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mitigate any impacts of this project upon cultural resources <br />and archeology to a level of insignificance, ezcepting only the <br />limit that the Project will place upon the future resEarch <br />potential of the Project site and the disturbance of human <br />burial sites, which impacts cannot be reduced to a level of <br />insignificance as indicated on page 89 of the DEIR. <br />c. To the eatent that the impacts of this <br />Project upon cultural resources and archeology are not <br />mitigated to a level of insignificance, the City Council finds <br />that the economic, social and other benefits of the project as <br />more fully described in the statement of overriding <br />considerations (section IiI, below) outweigh the impacts upon <br />cultural resources and archeology of the Project and subsequent <br />development of the Project site. <br />III. STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS <br />Pursuant to CEQA Guideline 15093, the City Council <br />adopts and makes the following Statement of Overriding <br />Considerations regarding the unavoidable environmental impacts <br />of the Project and the anticipated economic, social and other <br />benefits of the Project: <br />A. Generally. <br />The City Council finds that, to the eztent that any <br />impacts (including, without limitation, any cumulative impacts) <br />attributable to the Project remain unmitigated, such impacts <br />are acceptable in light of the overriding social, economic and <br />other considerations set forth herein. The City Council finds <br />42 <br />