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i <br />I <br />i <br />;Although I have personally witnessed your staff working on the correction of the <br />conditions that currently restrict your emergency egress I have been told b:~ the City Staff <br />!that it still does not comply with the Building Code and needs further alter. lion. You may <br />Iwant to consult with the city's Building Official, George Thomas, (931 53:10) in order to <br />get the correct information in order to bring this access /egress into compl ance with the <br />Uniform Building Code. <br />Michael, as you were not given the benefit of attending the Madden /City meetings, I <br />feel it appropriate to leave my gate unlocked for the next three weeks so a:: to give you <br />ample time to affect the needed adjustments to your rear yard access. In th•:: mean time <br />should you wish to discuss your other needed repairs please feel free to pu+. your thoughts <br />in writing for my consideration? <br />Lastly so as to cement our position on the land use issues, I want to be cle:: r, hence <br />forward you, your management and wait staff, delivery personal, and all ocher Haps <br />vendors and invitees are not to use our property or the common gate for access or egress <br />nor are you and they permitted to park on the 30 West Neal lot, including the Gale stalls, <br />nor the 55 West Angela stalls or lot for any reason or at any time. We canl.ot afford the <br />spaces. <br />My intention, as long as possible, is to not enforce our posted parking rest 7ctions on any <br />patrons of the downtown, including Haps, but should the open confrontati~~n and defiance <br />that I have experienced from you, your vendors and staff over the last two weeks <br />regarding the use of our parking and the gate persist, my position regardin ;the posted <br />restrictions as well as other issues discussed herein may well change. <br />Sincerely I remain, <br />.~~ <br />`~ <br />'tchell Pereira <br />Owner/ Railroad Square & Pleasanton Station <br />Hand Delivered <br />Cc: George Thomas <br />Attachment: Madden Let 07.10.07, Pereira let.08.09.07 <br />