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Attachement E <br />PBS&J Proposal <br />Project Understanding and Approach <br />Preliminary assessment of the project indicates that an Initial Study and Mitigated Negative <br />Declaration (IS/MND) should be appropriate to fully comply with California Environmental <br />Quality Act (CEQA) requirements. This scope is designed to adapt to the proposed project <br />during development of the final project description. This approach will allow PBS&J to help <br />define the proposed project in order to help the City of Pleasanton stay on schedule, minimize <br />potential impacts and protect resources. Moreover, additional tasks assumed in this scope of <br />work presents the level of effort necessary to successfully complete the environmental review <br />process in a timely manner. <br />This proposal provides a scope and cost for preparation of both the IS/MND with emphasis on <br />those issue items that we feel could potentially require mitigation or will require specific site - <br />surveys and/or consultation with state and federal resource agencies. Issue areas to be <br />addressed will include the following environmental concerns: aesthetics, agricultural resources, <br />air quality during construction and operation, biological resources, cultural resources, geology <br />and soils, hazards and hazardous materials, hydrology and water quality, land use, mineral <br />resources, noise during construction and operation, population/housing, recreation, <br />transportation/traffic circulation, water supply, public utilities, and public services. <br />Environmental Documentation <br />In accordance with CEQA requirements, PBS&J will complete a comprehensive CEQA ISlMND. <br />The environmental review will use the existing conditions on the project site as an <br />environmental baseline. As such, the environmental impact analysis will focus on any potential <br />construction and- operational impacts of the new pump station, along associated facilities and <br />new structures. The environmental analysis will also consider all environmental constraints and <br />opportunities, and will incorporate project specific reports by Carollo Engineers, geotechnical <br />analysis, agency staff, or other consultants or agencies. <br />Mitigation measures will be developed to sufficiently minimize any impacts to a less-than- <br />significant level. If the results of our environmental review indicate that construction or <br />operation of the pump station, and pipeline installation could result in any significant and <br />unavoidable impacts., it will be necessary to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) <br />instead of the proposed IS/MND. <br />1 <br />