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Commissioner Blank inquired if the. noise in the pen would be attenuated if a two-foot high <br />sound-proofing material were installed azound the bottom of the circumference of the coop area. <br />Officer Ficken replied that it could work but that planting hedges azound the azea would do the <br />same job, look more attractive, and blend in better with the backyazd. <br />Commissioner Roberts noted that the chickens can be noisy, especially when they lay eggs; <br />however, noise is not an issue because they are pets. She commented that some of the neighbors <br />are oversensitive and that they should close their windows if they find the chickens to be noisy. <br />She indicated that she visited the site and found the backyard to be clean and an excellent place <br />in which to put the chickens; she also noted that having the chickens walk freely in the backyard <br />to be completely inoffensive as should the chickens escape into the courtyazd, they would not <br />pose a threat to the children as dogs might. She stated that the permit could be limited to the four <br />chickens that are already there. <br />Commissioner Blank stated that he would like to have the applicant plant short hedges azound <br />the coop to attenuate the noise and inquired about Condition No. 4 regarding not allowing the <br />chickens to roam freely in the reaz yazd. <br />Ms. Nerland quoted Chapter 7.36.040 of the Pleasanton Municipal Code and explained that its <br />intent is to disallow fowl to roam freely outside the owner's property lines. <br />Ms. Decker stated that what staffrecommends is that the chickens not be limited to being <br />enclosed in their coop but be allowed to roam within the environs of the backyard, which has a <br />six-foot tall fence. <br />Commissioner Blank suggested that there be an adult present when the chickens aze allowed to <br />roam in the backyard. <br />Acting Chairperson Arkin commented that this was a difficult case for him because he does not <br />want to live next to chickens but would like to have the Beckers keep their pet chickens. He <br />indicated that he was in favor of approving the proposal so long as conditions could be put to <br />effect the least impact on the neighborhood, such as limiting the conditional use permit to the <br />existing chickens or allowing only two chickens in perpetuity. <br />Commissioner Pearce noted that in the 4-H Fryers program, the children come back without the <br />chickens. She stated that different people have different sensitivities and that while there might <br />be noise concerns with some neighbors, the sensitivity of two neighbors should not determine the <br />outcome of the permit. She added that she had talked to an adjacent neighbor who indicated that <br />they could neither smell nor heaz the chickens. <br />Ms. Decker suggested an alternative wherein the Commission would approve the four chickens <br />and then have the matter come back before the Commission in 18 months for an update on the <br />impacts of the use permit. <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, July 27, 2005 Page 5 of b <br />