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proposed condition regazding not replacing any chickens that aze permanently transferred <br />elsewhere, she indicated that if the applicants' children aze 4-H members, some of those chickens <br />may not come home, and the children may want to replace them. She pointed out that keeping <br />the chickens inside the coop between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. is unreasonable. She stated that <br />not allowing the chickens to roam azound freely is not part of the City's ordinance and that there <br />is nothing wrong with letting them do so as long as they do not go into the neighbor's yazds or <br />the Sports Pazk. <br />Kevin Close, 871 Sycamore Road, stated that he has never had a problem with chickens and <br />concurred with staff s recommendation to approve the conditional use permit. <br />Mr. Becker stated that he never meant to deceive anyone by having the chickens without a <br />permit. He added that he went to the 4-H and was told that he could raise them. He indicated <br />that he had no problem paying the necessary fees to get a permit and feels that his peace and <br />quiet has not been interrupted since Ms, Shoazs jumped the fence to look at his chickens. <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. <br />Commissioner Blank inquired if chickens lay eggs inside the coop or outside, how tall the <br />chickens aze, and what their average life span was. <br />Ms. Decker replied that she did not know where the chickens laid their eggs and believed that the <br />height and average life span of the chickens depended on their breed. <br />Officer Ficken stated that chickens can lay their eggs anywhere and that their lifespan depends <br />on a lot of variables. <br />Commissioner Peazce asked Officer Ficken to describe the process for any kind of recourse for <br />noise violation should the use permit be approved. <br />Officer Ficken replied that he has never had to deal with this type of violation in his 25 yeazs of <br />service. He indicated that a new procedure would need to be put in place and that it would <br />probably be the same process as that used for barking dogs; however, basically someone would <br />call Animal Control at the Police Department to report a complaint. <br />Acting Chairperson Arkin inquired if the Municipal Code specified a limit on the number of <br />chickens that may be allowed in a residential area and if goats were also allowed in a residential <br />area. <br />Officer Ficken replied that there was no limit on the number of chickens and that goats were not <br />allowed in a residential neighborhood. <br />Ms. Nerland stated that fowl and rabbits aze allowed in a residential neighborhood subject to a <br />conditional use permit and that the conditional use permit can limit the number of these animals. <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, July 27, 2005 Page 4 of 6 <br />