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Gordon Corsie, 2587 Skimmer Court, stated that he lives directly across from the applicant and <br />expressed his apology to the Beckers and the Planning Commission that so much time is being <br />spent on an issue, which is simply a matter of common sense. He indicated that he supports the <br />Beckers' application. <br />Alana Shoazs, 2596 Larrikeet Court, stated that she has had to put up with the startling noise of <br />the chickens since April of this year. She noted that she has gone to different City offices, <br />including the City Attorney's office, before anyone took her seriously, and the reason this issue <br />has come before the Planning Commission is because nothing was done by the City officials to <br />address the matter. She added that because of the chickens' noise, she has not been able to sit on <br />her porch or at the back of her house to read a book or drink coffee. She stated that the noise is <br />not constant, but it is unpredictable. She indicated that she just wants some peace and quiet, but <br />she cannot even open her bedroom windows at night because she gets startled very eazly in the <br />morning by the chickens' noise. She stated that she has lost her right to the pursuit of happiness <br />as the noise from her neighbor's house has caused her to change her lifestyle. She commented <br />that the neighborhood is not a farm but is zoned medium density residential and that if she <br />decided to sell her property, she would have to disclose the noise caused by the chickens, .thus <br />reducing her property value. She requested that the Commissioners put themselves in her shoes <br />and put an end to the nuisance caused by the chickens. <br />Marty Starnes, 5050 Foothill Road, stated the City should spend its time dealing with City <br />business rather than spend a lot of time with neighbor versus neighbor issues. She commented <br />that she went to see the project site and noticed a lazge yazd with a clean chicken azea. She <br />added that she felt this was a neighbor versus neighbor feud and that the City should not be <br />precipitating the issue. She noted that people in various azeas of the City raise pets, some of <br />which may be a nuisance such as bazking dogs; some have a Hazley motorcycle which makes a <br />lot of road noise; and others have little children with shrill voices. She pointed out that these aze <br />matters people have to deal with and that the City is not responsible for providing its citizens <br />with every comfort of life at every minute of the day. She stated that chickens aze not a hazard <br />and requested the Commission to approve the application. <br />Christina Reyes, 1459 Groth Circle, stated that the applicants have a heart of gold, a love for <br />animals, and a love for kids. She noted that sitting in her backyazd and hearing a baby cry is part <br />of the world, and she does not understand why the neighbors aze complaining. She indicated that <br />she supports the application. <br />Lon Hudson, 1021 Malaga Court, stated that he was present to support chickens in general. He <br />indicated that he was a chicken owner living in the Vintage Hills neighborhood and would be <br />going through the conditional use permit process in the neaz future. He noted that he enjoyed <br />waking up with the birds and hearing the chickens squawk when they have laid an egg. He <br />added that he gets a lot of joy enriching his children's childhood with these pets and that people <br />should put up with the noise as they would with a barking dog or a Hazley in the neighborhood. <br />Vanessa Kawaihau, 871 Sycamore Road, stated that she was a longtime Pleasanton resident and <br />has chickens and goats. She added that she occasionally rents out her backyard to 4-H hogs and <br />sheep and encouraged the Commission to approve the proposal. With respect to Mr. Lazsen's <br />EXCERPTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES, July 27, 2005 Page 3 of 6 <br />