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development. Said agreement shall run with the land for the duration of the <br />existence of the structures located on the subject property. <br />44. Six-inch vertical concrete curbs shall be installed between all paved and <br />landscaped areas. <br />45. The project developer shall provide root control barriers and four inch perforated <br />pipes for parking lot trees, street trees, and trees in planting areas less than ten- <br />feet in width, as determined necessary by the Planning Director at the time of <br />review of the final landscape plans. <br />46. Prior to occupancy, the landscape architect shall certify in writing to the Planning <br />Director that the landscaping has been installed in accordance with the approved <br />landscape and irrigation plans with respect to size, number, and species of plants <br />and overall design concept. <br />47. The project developer shall adjust the sprinkler heads to redirect the water away <br />from the monument sign while ensuring complete irrigation coverage of the <br />landscaping around the sign. All landscaping around the sign shall be restored <br />after installation of the sign and prior to final of the sign permit. <br />Building Permit Review: <br />48. All conditions of approval for this case shall be reprinted and included as a plan <br />sheet(s) with the building permit plan check sets submitted for review and <br />approval. These conditions of approval shall be on, at all times, all grading and <br />construction plans kept on the project site. It is the responsibility of the building <br />developer to ensure that the project contractor is aware of, and abides by, all <br />conditions of approval. It is the responsibility of the building developer to ensure <br />that the project landscape contractor is aware of, and adheres to, the approved <br />landscape and irrigation plans. Prior approval from the Planning Department <br />must be received before any changes are constituted in site design, grading, <br />building design, building colors or materials, landscape material, etc. <br />49. All building and/or structural plans must comply with all codes and ordinances in <br />effect before the Building and Safety Division will issue permits. <br />50. The project developer shall submit a building survey and/or record of survey and <br />a site development plan in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.68 of <br />the Municipal Code of the City of Pleasanton. These plans shall be approved by <br />the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of a building permit. The site <br />development plan shall include all required information to design and construct <br />site, grading, paving, drainage, and utilities. Specific items to be indicated on the <br />site development plan necessary to construct the improvements are to be in <br />accordance with the City of Pleasanton Private Development Design Guidelines <br />adopted April 15, 1986. <br />Page 11 of 20 <br />