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51. All retaining walls higher than four-feet from the top of the wall to the bottom of <br />the footway shall be constructed of reinforced concrete or shall be an approved <br />crib wall type. Calculations signed by a registered civil engineer shall <br />accompany the wall plans. <br />52. A sanitary sewer-sampling manhole shall be provided on each of the sanitary <br />sewer lateral from each building, unless otherwise waived by the Chief Building <br />Official. <br />53. The project developer shall submit two copies of the site soils report to the Chief <br />Building Official for third party peer review and shall pay for such review at the <br />time specified by the Director, but in all cases before the issuance of a grading <br />permit. <br />54. The soils engineer shall certify any building pad compactions of all lots containing <br />fill to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of building <br />permits. <br />Construction Requirements: <br />55. All construction, including site improvements, building construction, and tenant <br />improvement construction shall be limited to the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., <br />Monday through Saturday. Signs stating construction hours shall be posted <br />throughout the construction site, in construction trailer(s), and on all floors of all <br />buildings during the duration of construction. The Planning Director may allow <br />earlier "start-times" for specific building construction activities, e.g., concrete- <br />foundation/floor-pouring, if it can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the <br />Planning Director that the construction and construction traffic noise can be <br />mitigated. All construction equipment must meet Department of Motor Vehicles <br />(DMV) noise standards and shall be equipped with muffling devices. <br />56. At no time shall campers, trailers, motor homes, or any other vehicle be used as <br />living or sleeping quarters on the construction site. All such vehicles shall be <br />removed from the site at the end of each workday. A construction trailer shall be <br />allowed to be placed on the project site for daily administration/coordination <br />purposes during the construction period. <br />57. Final inspection by the Planning Department is required prior to occupancy. <br />58. If archeological materials are uncovered during grading, trenching, or other on- <br />site excavation, all work on site shall be stopped and the City immediately <br />notified. The county coroner and the Native American Heritage Commission <br />shall also be notified and procedures followed as required in Appendix "K" of the <br />California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A similar note shall appear on the <br />building permit plans and improvement plans. <br />Page 12 of 20 <br />