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37. All trash and refuse shall be contained completely within enclosures <br />architecturally compatible with the main structure. The materials, colors, and <br />detailing of the enclosure walls shall match the approved building designs and <br />the gates shall be corrugated metal or solid wood. The location and design of <br />the enclosures shall conform to the locations shown on the approved site plans <br />and shall be shown on the plans submitted for building permits and shall be <br />subject to the approval of the Planning Director and Fire Chief. Trash containers <br />shall be stored within the enclosure at all times, except when being unloaded. <br />38. The location of any pad-mounted transformers shall be subject to approval by the <br />Planning Director prior to issuance of permits by the Building and Safety Division. <br />Such transformers shall be screened by landscaping or contained within an <br />enclosure matching the building and with corrugated metal gates. All <br />transformers shall be shown on the plans submitted for issuance of building <br />permits. The project developer shall attempt to locate transformers at the rear - <br />east project boundary - of the site. <br />39. All parking spaces shall be striped. <br />40. The approved building materials and colors shall be stated on the plans <br />submitted for issuance of building permits. <br />41. All backflow prevention devices, above ground irrigation controls, and above <br />ground irrigation meters shall be located and screened so as to minimize visual <br />impacts. The location(s) of these items and the quantity and type of proposed <br />landscape screening shall be subject to the review and approval of the Planning <br />Director prior to installation. All backflow prevention devices, above ground <br />irrigation controls, and above ground irrigation meters shall be painted forest <br />green (Pantone Color System Number 357), or an equivalent color by a different <br />manufacturer, unless covered by a box or a bag in which case the box or bag <br />shall be forest green (Pantone Color System Number 357), or an equivalent color <br />by a different manufacturer. <br />42. Only modular newspaper dispensers accommodating more than one newspaper <br />shall be allowed outside of buildings within the development. The Planning <br />Director shall approve the design of these dispensers. Dispensers within the <br />public right-of-way shall require an encroachment permit by the Engineering <br />Division. <br />Landscaping and Irrigation System Design and Operation: <br />43. The project developer or the property owners' association shall enter into an <br />agreement with the City, approved by the City Attorney, which guarantees that all <br />landscaping and open space areas included in this project will be maintained at <br />all times in a manner consistent with the approved landscape plan for this <br />Page 10 of 20 <br />