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how the project developer intends to recycle at least 50-percent of the total job <br />site construction and demolition waste measured by weight or volume. Proof of <br />compliance shall be provided to the Chief Building Official prior to the issuance of <br />a final building permit. During demolition and construction, the project developer <br />shall mark all trash disposal bins "trash materials only" and all recycling bins <br />"recycling materials only". The project developer shall contact Pleasanton <br />Garbage Service for the disposal of all waste from the site. <br />33. The project developer shall implement the following measures with the <br />construction of the Home Depot and the Longs Drugs buildings covered by this <br />approval so that the owners can install roof-mounted photo-voltaic systems in the <br />future: <br />a. Electrical conduit and "pull-strings" shall be installed from the roof/attic <br />areas to the buildings' main electrical panels. <br />b. Roof systems shall be "engineered" to handle an additional load of five- <br />pounds per square foot beyond that of the anticipated for roofing as <br />determined by a structural engineer to be reviewed and approved by the <br />Chief Building Official. <br />c. An area shall be provided near the electrical panel for the "inverter" <br />required to convert the direct current output from the photovoltaic panels <br />to alternating current. <br />These measures shall be shown on the building permit plan set submitted to the <br />Planning Director for review and approval before issuance of the first building <br />permit. <br />34. The project developer shall post address numerals on the buildings covered by <br />this approval so as to be plainly visible from all adjoining streets or driveways <br />during both daylight and night time hours. Tenant spaces shall be identified as <br />determined by the City. <br />35. The project developer shall effectively screen from view all ducts, meters, air <br />conditioning equipment, and any other mechanical equipment, whether on the <br />structure, on the ground, or on the roof, with materials architecturally compatible <br />with the main structure. Screening details shall be shown on the plans submitted <br />for issuance of building permits, the adequacy of which shall be determined by <br />the Planning Director. All required screening shall be provided prior to <br />occupancy. <br />36. All mechanical equipment shall be constructed in such a manner that noise <br />emanating from it will not be perceptible beyond the property plane of the subject <br />property in a normal environment for that zoning district. <br />Page 9 of 20 <br />