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be conspicuously posted and shall be provided in a notice sent to the neighbors <br />with the construction schedule. <br />These above requirements shall apply to the individual building sites and shall be <br />added to the design guidelines covering this development. <br />X23. Previously undiscovered cultural resources may be disturbed in the course of the <br />project's development and the development of the individual home sites. In the <br />event that possible cultural resources are uncovered during construction, all <br />grading activities shall immediately cease and the City shall be immediately <br />notified. The project developer shall retain a qualified archeologist to evaluate <br />the resources and shall then propose mitigation measures, if warranted. A <br />similar note shall appear on the site plans, grading plans, and improvement plans <br />of the overall development and the individual lot developments. (Mitigation <br />Measure E-1 of the FEIR.) <br />x-:24. Previously undiscovered human remains may be disturbed in the course of the <br />project's development and the development of the individual home sites. In the <br />event that possible human remains are uncovered during grading, all grading <br />activities shall immediately cease and the City, county coroner, and the Native <br />American Heritage Commission shall be immediately notified. The project <br />developer shall implement the measures defined under §7050.5(b) of the <br />California Health and Safety Code, §5097.98 and §5097.99 of the Public <br />Resources Code, and §15064.5(e) of the California Environmental Quality Act. A <br />similar note shall appear on the site plans, grading plans, and improvement plans <br />of the overall development and the subsequent lot developments. (Mitigation <br />Measure E-2 of the FEIR.) <br />Design Guidelines <br />x:25. The Residence Lot Design Guidelines shall be amended to reflect the mitigation <br />measures found within the FEIR to reduce an impact to less than significant. The <br />following are conditions of approval as well as statements to be added to the <br />Design Guidelines: <br />• "Prior to any construction framing, the lot owner/contractor shall provide <br />adequate fire protection facilities to the construction site(s), including, but not <br />limited to a water supply and water flow in conformance to the City's Fire <br />Department Standards able to suppress a major fire." <br />The lot owner/contractor shall submit a list of all green building measures used <br />in the homes' design to the Planning Director for the review and approval with <br />the application for design review approval. The homes shall be designed to <br />include a minimum of 50 points using the ACWMA's Green Points rating <br />system with a minimum of ten points in each category (Resources, Energy, <br />and IAQ/Health). <br />City Council October 2. 2007 Page 9 of 41 <br />