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Parks and Recreation <br />No significant adverse impacts <br />Transportation and Traffic <br />1. Traffic volumes generated by the Project in excess of level of service standards at <br />25 intersections under the approved + Project scenario. <br />Findin .The City finds that mitigation measures identified for 23 of the 25 <br />intersections are feasible and that revisions to the City's traffic impact fee <br />program would mitigate the impacts to a less-than-significant level under <br />the approved + project scenario. <br />The City finds improvements to the two remaining intersections are also <br />feasible, and are planned for the cumulative time period. These improve- <br />ments will result in satisfactory operations at the intersections tinder the <br />cumulative + Project scenario. <br />Specific Plan, pp. 58-59; DEIR, p. 144-150. <br />2. Traffic volumes generated by the Project in excess of level of service standards at <br />24 intersections under the cumulative + project scenario <br />Findin .The City finds that mitigation measures identified for 22 of the 24 <br />intersections are feasible and that revisions to the City's traffic impact fee <br />program would mitigate the impacts to ales-than-significant level under <br />the cumulative + Project scenario. <br />Findin The City finds that feasible improvements to the two remaining intersections <br />would not improve all operations at those intersections to acceptable service <br />standards. Therefore, the impact on those two intersections would remain <br />significant and unavoidable. A statement of overriding considerations for <br />this impact is made in the following section. <br />Specific Plan, pp. 58-59; DEIR, p. 147-150. <br />3. Traffic volumes generated by the Project in excess of service criteria based on <br />General Plan roadway capacity policies <br />Findin. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Add one additional travel lane in the impacted direction to the applicable <br />roadway segments to insure that adequate capacity is available to handle <br />the projected traffic. <br />• Plan and finance the identified improvements through the update of the <br />traffic impact fee program <br />Specific Plan, p. 58-60; DEIR, pp. 150-I51. <br />Bemal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 19 of 24 <br />