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Plans shall be prepared for facilities that use, store, or handle hazardous <br />materials in quantities exceeding thresholds established by regulatory <br />agencies to assure safety in handling of such materials under normal and <br />emergency conditions. <br />Specific Plan, p. 78-79; DEIR, pp. 84-85. <br />Hydroloey. Draina¢e, and Water Quality <br />1. Potential to contribute to flooding risk onsite and downstream of the Project <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impacts to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• The detention basins on the Phase II Specific Plan site have been sized to <br />accommodate anticipated development. With the adoption of the Bernal <br />Property Phase II Specific Plan, the City will revalidate the design <br />assumptions to confirm the basin sizes. <br />• All drainage components will be designed in compliance with City of <br />Pleasanton standards, and the Department of Public Works will review <br />grading and drainage plans to assure compliance. <br />• All Specific Plan projects covered by Provision C.3.f of the County <br />NPDES Permit shall fully comply with permit requirements. <br />Specific Plan, p. 74-76; DEIR, pp. 87-89; Responses to Comments, p. 30. <br />2. Potential degradation of surface water quality from runoff during construction and <br />operation of the Project <br />Findin>;. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is to be prepared and <br />implemented to reduce potential impacts on surface water quality through <br />the construction period of the Project. <br />• All Specific Plan projects covered by Provision C.3.f of the County <br />NPDES Permit shall fully comply with permit requirements. <br />Specific Plan, p. 75; DEIR, pp. 89-90. <br />3. Potential degradation of groundwater resources <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />The design of any modification to the stormwater detention basins shall <br />maintain an adequate distance between the basin floor and the underlying <br />groundwater (generally, 10 feet of unsaturated sediments) or comply with <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 16 of 24 <br />