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(1) requiring site-specific soils studies for all new development prior to <br />the issuance of building permits and prior to the approval of final <br />improvement plans in areas of specific risks; (2) requiring technical <br />review of such studies by a qualified consulting geotechnical engineer <br />reporting to the City; and (3) permitting development in areas of "high" <br />susceptibility to geologic hazards only when investigations demonstrate <br />that mitigation is feasible through accepted engineering and construction <br />techniques. <br />Specific Plan, p. 76; DEIR, pp. 75-76. <br />Hazards and Hazardous Materials <br />Potential exposure of construction workers and future site to hazardous materials that <br />may be on the site and that could pose an unacceptable risk <br />1. Impacts relating to potential existing contamination sources <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Preliminary studies of soils and groundwater are to be conducted prior to <br />approval of final grading plans and, if pollutants in excess of established <br />screening levels are found, contamination conditions are to be remediated <br />or the land use plan revised to avoid adverse effects. <br />• The Condition of Approval of Bernal Property Phase I development <br />(Condition 38.(e)) relating to radionuclides shall apply to the Phase II <br />Specific Plan. <br />• New sensitive receptors (such as child care centers) will be subject to <br />siting criteria that adequately protect those uses from such potential haz- <br />ardous materials sources as: (1) prior uses not remediated (e.g, former <br />underground fuel tanks); (2) sites currently or formerly occupied by acti- <br />vities utilizing or handling hazardous materials (and any subsurface <br />contamination associated with those uses); and (3) major streets and high- <br />ways (which may be subject to contamination due to accidental spills). <br />Specific Plan, p. 78-79; DEIR, pp. 81-82. <br />2. Impacts relating to transport, use, storage, and disposal of hazardous materials <br />during site development and future use <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is to be prepared and <br />implemented to minimize potential impacts relating to possible hazardous <br />materials releases that could be conveyed in storm water or ordinary <br />runoff (such as through irrigation). <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 15 of 24 <br />