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Cultural Resources <br />Potential damage to cultural resources resulting from ground-disturbing activities <br />Findinc. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />A survey for potential cultural resources is to be conducted prior to <br />approval of any grading or development plans, including infrastructure <br />plans. The survey is to be conducted by a qualified archaeologist walking <br />the site on transects no more than 30 meters apart. The survey is to <br />identify the extent and depth of resource sites prior to approval of final <br />site-specific grading plans. <br />Known cultural resources areas aze to be avoided by "capping" or, if <br />known sites cannot be avoided or capped consistent with construction of <br />Phase II projects, a Resources Recovery Plan shall be prepared and <br />implemented prior to disturbing the site. <br />In the portions of the Phase II Specific Plan area not currently known to <br />contain azchaeological resources, a qualified azchaeologist is to monitor <br />project grading and site preparation activities. If any cultural resources <br />are uncovered during site preparation activities, land-disturbing activities <br />are to be discontinued within a 35-foot radius until the find can be <br />evaluated by the monitoring archaeologist, appropriate steps have been <br />taken to protect and/or recover the resource(s), and appropriate mitigation <br />can be determined. <br />Assure the protection of cultural resources previously or newly identified <br />by (1) providing for preservation via "capping" or (if known sites cannot <br />be avoided), (2) developing and implementing a Resources Recovery Plan <br />at known sites. <br />Specific Plan, p. 77-78; DEIR, pp. 71-72. <br />Geoloey. Soils, and Seismicity <br />Exposure of people and property on the site to risks relating to potential geological <br />hazards and adverse soils conditions <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Development in the Specific Plan area must conform to the Uniform Build- <br />ing Code and other applicable state and local seismic safety regulations. <br />• Any proposed development in the Specific Plan area must conform to the <br />policies and programs of the Pleasanton General Plan relating to potential <br />adverse soils conditions. The General Plan provisions include: <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 14 of 24 <br />