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4. Impacts on wildlife and special status species <br />Findin¢. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />(California tiger salamander (CTS), if present). Trail construction <br />activities shall occur during the dry season. Once the trails are staked, <br />every mammal burrow within the trail alignment footprint shall be <br />excavated to determine CTS presence or absence. If any individuals of <br />the species are encountered, relocation to a burrow located outside of the <br />footprint and any staging areas shall be implemented by a qualified <br />biologist. <br />• (California red-legged frog, if present). Any construction work within <br />300 feet of the Arroyo de Laguna corridor and the storm water detention <br />basins shall generally be conducted between July 1 and October 15 to <br />minimize impacts on the California red-legged frog. If work must occur <br />outside this time period, additional measures will be needed. <br />(Western pond turtle, if present). Pre-construction surveys shall be <br />conducted for the western pond turtle; if determined to be present on the <br />site, suitable protective measures will be implemented through <br />consultation with CDFG that are based on the specific type of <br />construction activity proposed and the proximity of such activity to the <br />occupied aquatic habitat. <br />• (Bats). Pre-construction surveys for bats shall be implemented and an <br />exclusion area will be established around any active nests. Bat surveys <br />shall be required if snag and/or tree removal is to occur during the 10 <br />months of breeding and/or occupation of nests (November -August). <br />• (Raptors). Pre-construction surveys for raptors shall be implemented and <br />an exclusion area will be established around any active nests. Pre- <br />construction raptor surveys shall be required if tree removal and/or <br />construction activities are to occur daring the raptor breeding season <br />(February-August). <br />• (Songbirds). Pre-construction breeding surveys for special status <br />songbirds shall be implemented and an exclusion area shall be established <br />around any active nests until all young have fledged. <br />Specific Plan, p. 74; DEIR, pp. 66-69. <br />• (Special Status Plant Species). A biological assessment by a qualified <br />biologist shall be conducted at the site of each potential project at the time <br />such a project is planned. If the assessment discloses the presence or pos- <br />sible presence of a special status plant, a plant survey consistent with the <br />survey protocol of appropriate regulatory agencies shall be conducted. <br />Specific Plan, p. 74; Response to Comments, p. 38. <br />Bernal Property Phase 11 Specific Plan and Bernal Community Pazk Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 13 of 24 <br />