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Potential odor impacts shall be avoided by providing adequate distances <br />between neighboring uses to avoid the transmission of offensive odors, and <br />by imposing site-specific planning requirements and operational criteria for <br />all uses considered likely to present odor issues. <br />Specific Plan, pp. 77; DEIR, p. 54 <br />Biological Resources <br />1. Impacts on riparian habitat <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measure is feasible and has <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />Viable riparian corridors shall be maintained along all drainage channels. <br />Specific Plan, p. 72; DEIR, pp. 64-65 <br />2. Impacts on heritage trees <br />Finding. The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />As many mature, healthy trees shall be retained as is feasible. A program <br />for tree replacement shall be implemented and replacement shall be <br />monitored (and repeated if necessary) to insure that replanting is effective. <br />Specific Plan, p. 73; DEIR, p. 65; Response to Comments, p. 40. <br />3. Impacts on wetlands <br />Findin .The City finds that the following mitigation measures are feasible and have <br />been incorporated into the Specific Plan, thereby mitigating the impact to a <br />less-than-significant level: <br />• Disturbance to existing on-site wetlands including drainage channels, the <br />stock pond in the Eastern Area, the small seasonal wetland west of the <br />Knoll, and the existing stormwater detention basins, shall be minimized. <br />• Prior to the approval of final grading plans, the locations of wetlands on <br />the site shall be delineated and verified. <br />If wetlands are delineated on a site that would be adversely affected by the <br />Project, then, prior to the approval of a final grading plan, a mitigation <br />plan shall be prepared, including an avoidance alternative, that will meet <br />federal and state requirements. If avoidance is not feasible, this plan must <br />identify replacement wetlands at a 2:1 ratio and five years of maintenance <br />and monitoring following mitigation wetland construction. <br />Specific Plan, p. 73; DEIR, p. 66. <br />6ernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Beraal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact 2epon Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 12 of 24 <br />