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Provision of agrade-separated crossing of Bernal Avenue (item 5 above) <br />would improve pedestrian safety, assuming those crossing Bernal Avenue <br />would use the bridge. If pedestrians choose not to use the bridge, the <br />safety gain would be compromised and, in fact, those pedestrians might <br />be at greater risk. <br />The EIR did not find that the environmental impacts of Alternative 1 would be signifi- <br />cantly different from those of the Project. No adverse impacts were found for Alternative <br />1 that were not also found for the project, and Alternative 1 would not provide mitigation <br />of impacts significantly superior to the mitigation provided by the Project. <br />Alternative 2 <br />Description <br />This alternative is similar to the Project in the potential locations of some land uses, but <br />differs with respect to others: <br />(1) Alternative 2 locates the potential cultural arts center (CAC) more <br />centrally in the Central Area of the Bernal Property, instead of in the <br />northeast comer, and the CAC would occupy a larger site (21 acres as <br />opposed to 9.2 acres under the Project and Alternative 1). <br />(2) Alternative 2 locates an ACE Train Station on the Bernal Property in <br />sub-area 2. <br />(3) Alternative 2 reconfigures the sports fields. The soccer arrangement <br />would be similar to that in Alternative 1. The football/lacrosse field <br />would be located between the soccer area and the baseball area (because, <br />under Alternative 2, the site devoted to football under the Project and to <br />football and tennis under Alternative 1 would be occupied by the train <br />station). <br />(4) Alternative 2 locates tennis courts (which the Project does not) south of <br />Valley Avenue, in an area designated for agriculture under the Project <br />and Alternative 1. Thus, Alternative 2 devotes less space to agriculture <br />than the Project does (10.8 acres vs. 14.2; Alternative 1 would place 8 <br />acres in agricultural use). <br />(5) The Community Park would be smaller under Alternative 2 (43.5 acres <br />as opposed to 50 acres under the Project and Alternative 1) and there <br />would be a slight reduction in the amount of open space (100 acres as <br />opposed to 102.9 acres under the Project and 134.1 acres under <br />Alternative 1). <br />(6) There would be no park-and-ride lot. <br />In effect, the accommodation of the ACE Train Station on the Bernal Property and the <br />provision of a larger site for the cultural arts center results in smaller acreage allocations <br />Bernal Properly Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 6 of 24 <br />