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Commuter Express (ACE) Train Station off-site across Bernal Avenue. It differs from <br />the Project in the following ways: <br />(1) The arrangement of the three soccer fields in the Bernal Community <br />Park would be different. The Project places the soccer stadium to the <br />north, adjacent to Bernal Avenue, with the two soccer fields south of it. <br />(See Figure 29 in the Responses to Comments, simulating the view of <br />the soccer playing areas from Bernal Avenue under the Project.) <br />Alternative 1 would reverse that configuration, placing the two soccer <br />fields side-by-side adjacent to Bernal Avenue. <br />(2) Alternative 1 devotes a larger portion of the Central Area to the Grand <br />Meadow open space than does the Project. The Project would devote the <br />entirety of sub-area 6 south of Valley Avenue to lakes, ponds, and <br />expanded wetlands. Thus, Alternative 1 would not have the expanded <br />area of water features proposed under the Project. <br />(3) Alternative 1 would not have any agricultural use west of I-680 (sub-area <br />16 would be designated for open space). Under the Project, sub-area 16 <br />would be designated for agricultural use. <br />(4) Alternative 1 proposes tennis courts in the area between Pleasanton <br />Avenue and the football/lacrosse field. Under the Project, that portion of <br />sub-area 2 would be slightly smaller and no tennis courts would be <br />provided. <br />(5) Alternative 1 proposes enhanced pedestrian access between the Bernal <br />Property site and the ACE Train Station across Bernal Avenue. It also <br />provides for sharing of some Bernal Property parking with the train <br />station. The Project site plan does not make this provision. <br />Findin¢: Feasible <br />Alternative 1 is similar to the Project in the potential locations of some land uses, but <br />differs with respect to others: <br />Aesthetic: The reconfiguration of the soccer fields would result in a less "open" area <br />along Bernal Avenue. From Bernal Avenue, the foreground would be <br />more fully occupied by playfields, and more punctuated by illumination <br />poles and fixtures. The level of change in these visual effects was not, <br />however, found to result in adverse environmental impacts. <br />Noise: The difference between the site plans in terms of noise sensitivity and <br />noise generation would not be significant. Noise mitigations provided for <br />in the Specific Plan (see Specific Plan Figure 7-1) would also be <br />applicable to Alternative 1. <br />Traffic: Overall peak hour trips would be about the same as the project, would <br />have the same general impacts, and would require the same mitigation <br />measures. <br />Bernal Property Phase II Specific Plan and Bernal Community Park Master Plan <br />Environmental Impact Report Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations Page 5 of 24 <br />