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9. The project developer acknowledges that the City of Pleasanton does not guarantee the <br />availability of sufficient sewer capacity to serve this development by the approval of this <br />case, and that the project developer agrees and acknowledges that building permit <br />approval may be withheld if sewer capacity is found by the City not to be available. <br />10. This approval does not guarantee the availability of sufficient water to serve the project. <br />The City shall withhold building permits for the project if at the time building permits are <br />applied for, mandatory water rationing is in effect, unless the City has adopted a water <br />offset program and unless the project developer is participating in the program. <br />Notwithstanding the project developer's participation in such a program, the City may <br />withhold building permits if the City determines that sufficient water is not available at <br />the time of application of building permits. <br />1 I. The project developer shall submit a waste generation disposal and diversion plan to the <br />Building Department prior to issuance of building or demolition permits. The plan shall <br />include the estimated composition and quantities of waste to be generated and how the <br />project developer shall recycle at least fifty percent (50%) of the job site construction and <br />demolition waste. Proof of compliance shall be provided to the Chief Building Official <br />prior to the issuance of final occupancy. During demolition and construction, the project <br />developer shall mark all trash disposal bins "trash materials only" and all recycling bins <br />"recycling materials only". The project developer shall contact Pleasanton Garbage <br />Service for all waste disposal. Only that portion of trash and recycling waste refused by <br />Pleasanton Garbage Service shall be disposed of or diverted by another trash/recycling <br />company. <br />12. The height of the structures shall be surveyed and verified as being in conformance to the <br />approved building height as shown on Exhibit "A" or as otherwise conditioned. Said <br />verification is the project developer's responsibility, shall be performed by a licensed land <br />surveyor or civil engineer, and shall be completed and provided to the Planning <br />Department before the first framing or structural inspection by the Building Department. <br />13. The applicants shall submit a pad elevation certification prepared by a licensed land <br />surveyor or registered civil engineer to the Chief Building Official and Planning Director, <br />certifying that the pad elevations and building locations (setbacks) are pursuant to the <br />approved plans, prior to receiving a foundation inspection for the structure. <br />14. This development shall be considered as a "first-come, first-served" project for growth <br />management purposes. <br />15. Wood-burning fireplaces shall be prohibited. Natural gas-fired fireplaces, EPA-certified <br />wood fireplaces or heaters, and wood pellet-fueled heaters and fireplace inserts shall be <br />allowed. <br />16. The project developer shall provide all buyers with copies of the project conditions of <br />approval. <br />