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b. The project developer shall revise the typical section on Road "B" to have a <br />straight cross slope to the north. Road "B" shall be designed to drain stormwater <br />to the bioswale in Parcel "C". This detail shall be designed to the satisfaction of <br />the City Engineer, shall be shown on the grading/drainage plan submitted with the <br />tentative subdivision map application, and shall be subject to Planning <br />Commission review and approval. <br />c. The EVA road connecting the Road "A" cul-de-sac to Montevino Road shall <br />intersect the public streets with a standard driveways. This detail shall be <br />designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, shown on the tentative <br />subdivision map application, and shall be subject to Planning Commission review <br />and approval. <br />d. The project developer shall install a concrete lined ditch along the common <br />property line between Parcel "A" and lots 7, 8, and 9. This detail shall be <br />designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, shall be shown on the <br />grading/drainage plan submitted with the tentative subdivision map application, <br />and shall be subject to Planning Commission review and approval. <br />e. The project developer shall revise the landscaping at the intersection of Road "A" <br />with Vineyard Avenue to improve sight-line distance. This change shall be <br />designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer and Planning Director and shall <br />be shown on the final improvement plans. <br />f The project developer shall revise the grade of Lot 2 to allow the driveway to <br />intersect the street at the bulb. This detail shall be designed to the satisfaction of <br />the City Engineer, shown on the tentative subdivision map application, and shall <br />be subject to Planning Commission review and approval. <br />14. Phase One and Two Improvements <br />a. The project developer shall revise the grades on Street "A" such that the <br />maximum grades at the street intersections is 7-percent or less. This detail shall <br />be designed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, shown on the tentative <br />subdivision map application, and shall be subject to Planning Commission review <br />and approval. <br />All concrete V-ditches shall be constructed with colored concrete. The Planning <br />Director shall approve the color of the concrete before installation. <br />c. The project developer's engineer shall verify the capacity of the existing <br />downstream storm drain system at the tentative subdivision map stage to the <br />satisfaction of the City Engineer. The project developer shall be responsible for <br />installing any upgrades to the down stream drainage system as required by the <br />City Engineer. <br />