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PC 022807
City of Pleasanton
PC 022807
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Creation date
8/17/2007 10:02:52 AM
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Ms. Seto advised that should the Commission approve the variance, it would need to make the <br />findings, such as the unique physical features of a substandard lot, to support the variance. <br />Ms. Decker noted that the Planning Commission and any decision-making body are not <br />empowered to revise the Building Code. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum commented that if the appeal were approved, she would have a problem <br />making the finding that having posts on the property line was acceptable. She inquired if the <br />Commission would have to stipulate that the posts needed to be moved off the property line. <br /> <br />Ms. Seto stated that the Commission does not necessarily have to grant the appeal in its totality <br />and that it could make various modifications. She added that if the Commission granted a <br />variance, it would have to make a finding regarding the setback area, such as a substandard width <br />lot, which would give this corner property owner the same benefits as other corner property <br />owners within the same development. <br /> <br />In response to Chairperson Fox’s inquiry regarding whether the Valley Trails Homeowners <br />Association had been noticed and has weighed in on this application, Ms. Decker replied that she <br />believed the Association, if there was one, was noticed but was not certain. She noted, however, <br />that there was an active neighborhood group that is aware of projects in the area and that there <br />was no indication that a representative from that group had submitted any comments. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank commented that if there were a homeowners association and not a <br />maintenance association, then there would be CC&R’s associated with the property. <br /> <br />THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS OPENED. <br /> <br /> <br />Daryl Judd, attorney representing the property owners, Peter and Garrett Nowak, responded to <br />the questions earlier raised by the Commission. He stated that the structure was built by a <br />contractor and that the reason no permits were taken out was because the applicants had <br />incorrectly assumed that this was allowed since there were 21 other similar existing structures in <br />the neighborhood. He noted that the adjacent neighbor had constructed the overheight fence <br />after the trellis was built. He added that subsequent to this, the Code Enforcement Officer <br />notified the applicants that the trellis could not continue to exist and that the overhang, which <br />extended past the property line, needed to be cut back; this was done by the applicant. <br /> <br />Mr. Judd noted that the first two findings for the variance could be made and that the real issue is <br />with the setback and the Building Code as it relates to the issue of fire. He indicated that in <br />response to the requirement for a one- hour fire rating, they have identified the material and <br />coating that would provide a two-hour fire rating. With respect to the setback, he stated that he <br />understood that the fence posts cannot remain on the property line and that he believed the posts <br />were, in fact, not on the property line but on the applicants’ property. He continued that when <br />the appeal was filed, he discussed the Building Code violation with the Mr. George Thomas, <br />Chief Building Official, and noted that Mr. Thomas indicated that the opening could be remedied <br />by installing a glass-type product over the opening so there would be no openings on the outside <br />of the structure; that sheetrock needed to be installed on the inside of the structure, that the <br />garage doors needed to be fire-rated, and that the applicant should sign a written statement that <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 28, 2007 Page 7 of 13 <br /> <br /> <br />
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