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no flammable substances such as gas, oil, or propane would be stored within the structure. <br />Mr. Judd stated that Mr. Thomas indicated that these mitigation measures would satisfy the fire <br />retardant issue set forth by the Building Code and would allow a minimum setback of two <br />inches. <br /> <br />Mr. Judd noted that there was limited space on that side of the property, and moving the structure <br />three feet back would not provide enough room to store the jet skis. He indicated that the <br />applicants were willing to comply with the requirements for fire-proofing by installing the <br />glass-type material over the opening, painting the entire structure with the two-hour fire- <br />retardant coating, and moving the fence posts two inches back. He commented that in response <br />to a neighbor’s complaint regarding materials flying from the top of the structure to the <br />neighboring property, there were no trees upfront, and any debris would be airborne rather than <br />coming from the applicants’ property. He noted that he was not asking for any special <br />concessions in requesting to retain the structure as there were many similar existing structures in <br />the area. <br /> <br />Commissioner Olson inquired how far from the property line the posts would be set back. <br />Mr. Judd replied that he would like to maximize the space and move the fence posts by two <br />inches. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Olson’s comment that the setback required would be three feet and <br />that the structure was over 120 square feet in area, Mr. Judd noted that with a variance, the posts <br />could be set back two inches from the property line as the structure was not over ten feet. He <br />stated that the primary objection to the structure was going into the three-foot setback and that <br />the mitigation measures would satisfy the Building Code and safety issues, making the structure <br />fire-retardant. <br /> <br />In response to Commissioner Olson’s question regarding how the fence posts would be moved <br />two inches from the property line, Mr. Judd replied that the fence posts would remain and new <br />posts would be installed two inches from the property line. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank noted that everything he had read on the fire-free materials submitted by <br />the applicant indicated that the coating is a one-hour rated product and not a two-hour-rated <br />product. He added that the one-hour rating was only indicated for gypsum and that there is <br />nothing mentioned about what it would do to redwood. Mr. Judd replied that the documentation <br />says that it would fire-rate the lumber. <br /> <br />Commissioner Blank noted that the contractor who built the structure would have known that a <br />permit was required. Mr. Judd replied that the applicants took responsibility for that action, <br />basing their decision on what they saw around the neighborhood. <br /> <br />Commissioner Narum noted that most of the similar structures in the area had a gutter along the <br />property line and inquired if the direction of the drainage from the top of the roof would be <br />towards the neighbor’s property or if it would stay on the applicants’ property. Mr. Judd replied <br />that he did not know the answer but that this has not been an issue. Commissioner Narum stated <br />that if the direction is towards the neighbor, then this issue should also be addressed. <br />PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES February 28, 2007 Page 8 of 13 <br /> <br /> <br />