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Mr. Brozosky concurred with Ms. McKeehan's comments. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala believed the idea for the location of the baseball fields was to get the <br />fields as close to infrastructure as possible. She pointed out that the current location of <br />the baseball fields is not near infrastructure. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan noted that this is one area where the existing concept plan needs <br />to conform to the overall theme. She clarified that staff will return to Council on October <br />5, 2004 for approval of a contract with the architects for approval of the first phase of the <br />Bemal Community Park Plan. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala shared Mayor Pico's vision in that the winner of the design <br />competition would be providing the overall design plans for the sports fields so that it <br />would be incorporated within and be compatible with the overall design plan as long as <br />the scheme is consistent with the Initiative to Save Our Community Park. She asked staff <br />if it was comfortable with Zone 7's flood control plan? <br /> <br /> Brian Swift, Director of Planning and Community Development, said that Zone 7 <br />is in the process of developing its new flood control plan. The current plan does not exist <br />for the Arroyo de Lagnna south of Bemal Avenue; however, there are two options. One <br />option takes all of this land and turns it into a flood control channel, and the second <br />option leaves it as it is and the Arroyo takes care of flood control upstream through a <br />series of retention basins and quarries. He believed Zone 7 staff is favoring leaving the <br />Arroyo de Lagnna in its current condition. He was hopeful that the alternative for up <br />stream storage would benefit all of the areas in Pleasanton that are at risk of flooding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked what the anticipated time frame is fi>r the completion and <br />adoption of Zone 7's new flood control plan? <br /> <br /> Mr. Swift believed the new flood control plan should be released shortly; however <br />it will take some time to go ttu'ough the necessary decision making process. Additional <br />time will also be required in order for Zone 7 to implement programs that are required to <br />finance the new plan. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Mayor Pico, seconded by Mr. Brozosky, to confirni M.D. <br />Fotheringham, Landscape Architects, as the winner of the professional design <br />competition as recommended by the Jury, and to direct staff to negotiate a contract <br />for professional services with it for future Council review. <br /> Ms. Ayala appreciated all of the finalist's plans that were submitted. She was <br />hopeful that the lighted sports fields could be moved to an appropriate location. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell thanked Mr. Brozosky's for his idea of having a design competition <br />for the Bemal property. He noted that the entire competition process was enlightening. <br />He was amazed at the array of ideas that were derived from the competition. He thanked <br />the competitors for submitting its proposals and staff for facilitating the entire process. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 8 10/12J04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />