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Mr. Bmzosky asked for further clarification regarding the Bemal Community <br />Park Plan. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen noted that two task forces were involved with the public portion <br />of the Bemal property. The Bemal Property Task Force worked on the Bernal Property <br />Specific Plan and the Bernal Community Park Task Force worked specifically on the <br />sports fields plan. The Bemal Community Park Task Force prepared a plan that was <br />reviewed by Council, and Council provided comments. Council believed the fields were <br />too compacted and the uses needed to be spread out over the entire area. Council <br />directed this Task Force to prepare a second plan, which was for a 45-acre community <br />park. This second plan was presented to Council but Council never took any official <br />action on it. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky wondered why Council would consider the second Bemal <br />Community Park Plan given that Council adopted the Initiative to Save Our Community <br />Park at its meeting on August 3, 2004. He believed that the second Bemal Community <br />Park Plan could not be built as presented as it was within the 800-foot required setback. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen said that Council would have the option of approving either the <br />second Bemal Community Park Plan or the plan as adopted in the Initiative to Save Our <br />Community Park. Staff would return to Council on October 5, 2004 recommending <br />approval of a contract that would place the ball fields where the Bemal Property Task <br />Force had suggested, or at least the primary reconfiguration. Staff believes this first <br />phase can be readily adjusted as necessary to meet the overall design theme for the <br />Bemal Property and, in light of the recently approved initiative, staff intends to move <br />quickly into the final design phase for the ball fields. The winner of the overall <br />professional design competition will work closely with the original designer of the <br />Community Park to come up with the location for the ball fields. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico was anticipating that the winner of the design competition would be <br />providing the overall design plans for the sports fields so that it would be incorporated <br />with and compatible with the overall design plan, as long as the scheme is consistent with <br />the Initiative to Save Our Community Park. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky was anticipating that phase one would be the design for the baseball <br />fields and phase two would be for the remainder of the community park design. The <br />intent of the design competition was not to piece meal the overall design for the <br />community park. The intent was to have one plan that is compatible with the overall <br />design theme. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan pointed out that the idea was to try and bridge the gap. Staff's <br />intent is to work with the sports groups, the Community Park Task Force, and the Parks <br />and Recreation Commission, who collectively have a wealth of knowledge and detailed <br />information regarding the initial plan for the sports fields, and with the winner of the <br />design competition regarding the adjustments. She believed it would be desirable to <br />conform the existing concept plan to the overall design theme. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 7 10/12/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />