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Ms. Hosterman mentioned that she had concerns about the entire design <br />competition for the past several months, particularly as to how it: will unfold. She asked <br />if Council could invite others to submit applications to pursue this process related to <br />design in the future once it determines the winner of the professional design competition? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen thought no, in that staff intends to bring to Council contracts for <br />the winning designer on October 5, 2004. The intention is for the Council to choose a <br />winning design firm and that staff would negotiate a design contract with that designer. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman asked if it would be appropriate to entertain entering into <br />contracts with additional frans for various components of design for the Bernal property <br />on October 57 <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen noted that the purpose of the competition was to select the winner <br />and direct staff to negotiate a contract for professional services with that winner. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico pointed out that the competition roles stipulate that if the firm <br />selected by the Jury is not the one chosen by Council, then it will be compensated <br />$10,000 for its efforts. <br /> <br /> In confirming the winner of the professional design competition as recommended <br />by the Jury, Ms. Ayala asked if any of the elements within the design could be amended <br />in the future? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen noted that staff is recommending that Council take two actions. <br />One action is for Council to confmn the winner of the professional design competition as <br />recommended by the Jury. ~ll~e second action is to express support for the general design <br />components of the winning firms' submittal and direct staff to negotiate a contract for <br />professional services with that firm. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico did not want to accept the changes as recommended by the Jury for <br />M.D. Fotheringham's design plan this evening. He would like Council to be able to have <br />some flexibility before the final design is approved if it confirmed M.D. Fotheringham as <br />the winner of the professional design competition. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rasmussen said the final step in the Bernal Competition would involve future <br />project design contracts. Council will address this matter on October 5, 2004. It is staff's <br />intention to return to the Council at that time with draft contracts for the preparation of <br />the Bernal Community Park Phase I sports fields and for the design element of the Draft <br />Phase II Bemal Property Specific Plan. Since Council has not formally adopted the first <br />phase of the Bemal Community Park Plan, it is also staff's intention to bring the plan to <br />Council at that same time as the contracts for approval of this first phase of this plan. <br />Staff can also return to the Council with the winning community park design plan for its <br />suggested modifications. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 6 10/12/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />