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Council provided comments on Submittal #17 - Tom Leader Studio, Berkeley, <br />California. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky questioned how the water retention system would work. He would <br />like the civic arts center to be given more of a sense of presence. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked how any of the design plans tie into the streams that are on the <br />Bernal Property? <br /> <br /> Mr. Rassmussen noted that this plan does not tie into the streams. Some of the <br />submittals tie into the existing plans, particularly along the railroad tracks. From a <br />planning standpoint, he believed it would be best to wait and see how the competition <br />goes and where the channels ultimately end up being located. Once there is a better sense <br />of where the channels are to be located, staff can finalize its plan so that the results of the <br />competition guide the location of the channels. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala liked the open space, water system concept and the manner in which <br />this plan relates to the Downtown. She agreed with the location for the sports fields. <br /> <br /> While he was intrigued with this concept, Mr. Campbell thought this plan was <br />difficult to understand. He believed that more details regarding the "rooms" and parking <br />lots were needed. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman thought this plan was interesting. She liked the open space <br />concept, but was concerned about the plant species. She agreed with the concept of <br />creating more storm water detention. She also shared Mr. Brozosky's concern that the <br />cultural arts facility needs to be a focal point of the property. She also agreed with the <br />location of the lighted sports fields. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico was concerned about the traffic circulation system. He did not like <br />the location of the sports fields as being the focal point along Bemal Avenue. He would <br />like to see larger water features. Overall, he was concerned about the practicability of the <br />plan. <br /> <br />Mr. Brozosky would like to see more shaded trees added to this design concept. <br /> <br /> Council provided comments on Submittal #14 - Marta Fry Landscape Associates, <br />San Francisco, California. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell was intrigued with the agricultural buffer concept. He liked the <br />area south of the sports fields. He noted that this design concept did not provide enough <br />natural open space and it was too busy with too many uses. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman agreed with the jury, as it is important to have the agricultural <br />strip located near the existing homes in order to provide more of a buffer. She agreed <br />with Mr. Campbell that this design concept appeared to be too busy with too many uses. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 29 06/15/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />