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Will'tam Liskamm, FAiA, the Bernal design competition coordinator, presented <br />Submittal #2 - M.D. Fotheringham, Landscape Architects, Inc. This concept is <br />characterized by the manner in which the sports fields and civic arts center are dispersed <br />throughout the area east of the freeway within a system of open space, meadows, and <br />agriculture. Primary uses include ten sports fields dispersed within the Central Area, a <br />large clvle arts center straddling both sides of Valley Avenue, a train station south of <br />Valley Avenue, trails, lake, agricultural club, teen center, wildlife refuge educational <br />center and a Park-N-Ride lot. <br /> <br /> Mr. Liskamm presented Submittal g9 - Interstice Architects, San Francisco, <br />California. This concept emphasizes open space and the recreation of wildlife habitat <br />organized around a curvilinear lakefront system and mounding in the Central Area. Land <br />on both sides of 1-680 are linked by a series of tunnels under the freeway. Primary uses <br />include eight sports fields clustered in the northeast corner of the site, civic arts center in <br />the middle of the Central Area, train station north of Valley Avenue, trails, agricultural <br />club, farmers market, Park-N-Ride, child care, religious facility, teen center, dog area, <br />nature education area, and a community garden. <br /> <br /> Mr. Liskamm presented Submittal #12 - Nuvis, San Ramon, California. This <br />concept focuses on a major central open space area that includes a series of lakes. <br />Planning for the site recalls its historic past. Community facilities are interconnected <br />with a strong axial site planning relationship. Primary uses include eight sports fields in <br />the eastern half of the Central Area with a major open space featured in the western half, <br />civic arts center in the southern Central Area, train station centrally located between <br />Bernal Avenue and Valley Avenue, trails, farm club/gardening area, child care, <br />youth/teen center, environmental center, and a Park-and-Ride/farmers market. <br /> <br /> Mr. Liskamm presented Submittal #14 - Marta Fry Landscape Associates, San <br />Francisco, California. This concept emphasizes agriculture and open space with a <br />condensed active sports area. Primary uses include eight sports fields (some are to be <br />shared used facilities) in the northeast corner of the site, civic arts center situated along <br />both sides of Valley Avenue, trails, agricultural club and fields, regional arboretum, and <br />interpretative pods. <br /> <br /> Mr. Liskamm presented Submittal #17 - Tom Leader Studio, Berkeley, <br />California. This concept is centered around a system of created wetland/channels <br />designed to replace the existing storm water detention basins, surrounded by major <br />contoured grasslands and other meadow areas. Primary uses include eight sports fields <br />along Bernal Avenue and two sports fields just east of the freeway, train station in the <br />northeast corner of the site with a civic arts center to the immediate south of the station, <br />trails, day care, agricultural crops, teen center, and a wildlife education center. <br /> <br /> Mr. Liskamm asked Council to provide final comments to be forwarded to the <br />five finalists for their consideration as they prepare their final plan submittal packages. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 28 06/15/04 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />