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Mr. Brozosky also confirmed that the modular buildings had been purchased. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman felt it was important to continue to study and move forward with plans <br />for the civic center site, especially in conjunction with everything happening downtown and the <br />Bemal Property, if we want a cohesive picture of what that part of town will look like. She did <br />not care if it took ten or twenty years. She wanted it to be really terrific and the only way to <br />accomplish that is to continue the planning process. There is an oppommity for a magnificent <br />entrance for that part of downtown. She supported the staff recommendations and thanked the <br />Pleasanton Downtown Association for working on this and offering their comments. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala felt the last thing desired for a downtown entrance was a parking lot. Both <br />concepts presented have parking lots. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated staff has talked about that and there is concern. However, <br />parking lots can be hidden by landscaping. One of the design problems is that the police <br />department needs a lot more parking and the only way to handle that is to camouflage the <br />parking or put it underground, which is very expensive. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bocian pointed out the concept was to develop a pedestrian oriented pathway <br />Main Street to the Library and on to the Bernal Property. In order to do that, the existing police <br />parking had to be moved. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked if the proposed parking will take care of any of the downtown parking <br />needs? <br /> <br /> Mr. Bocian said the site concept increases the parking for the civic center. One of the <br />recommendations of the PDA was that more parking would be added on the central core of the <br />site, rather than on the west quadrant. That would probably require a parking structure. It may <br />be this will be a two-phased process where long-term there would be a parking structure, but for <br />the short-term, library parking would be moved to the three-acre parcel. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell wanted to move forward with this process. It can only add to the greatness <br />of the downtown area. City staff deserves good working conditions. Many demands are placed <br />on staff and it would be a nice reward for the hard work. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan appreciated those comments, but this is really not about staff. It is more <br />about the entrance to Main Street. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico would like to sell 157 Main Street and use the proceeds to acquire the three- <br />acre parcel across fi'om the library and be able to build a nice structure on it for a city hall. That <br />would allow additional retail on Main Street and perhaps have a complementary park across <br />from the existing Civic Park. He suggested expanding the existing parking lot behind the police <br />building. He envisioned a civic center complex crossing Old Bernal and using the existing 200 <br />Old Bernal as some kind of community building. Police parking must be secured and no matter <br />how one tries to hide it, there will still be a brick wall around it. He did not want the entrance to <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 20 08/19/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />