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Ms. McKeehan said a project like this is not done with cash. It is partly cash and partly <br />financed existing sources of revenue. Staff is not requesting action today, but it is <br />necessary to decide what will be done on this site. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky thought there were two main projects downtown: one is the fire station/art <br />center and the other is the civic center. The City cannot afford to do both in the near term. He <br />wanted more effort spent on the art center because that was better for the vitality of downtown. <br />He wanted to walt until the situation with the three-acre lot is resolved and did not feel there was <br />any urgency for the next four or five years. He inquired if there had been a survey of the staffing <br />levels for the next ten to twenty years and wondered if the number of employees would go down. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said that was done for the last General Plan. It is not expected that the <br />staff size will change. Staff levels do not go down at buildout, they generally shif~ to different <br />departments. For example, the city is building many new parks and it is likely more park <br />maintenance workers will be necessary. Another police beat will be created with the buildout of <br />the Bemal property. There is a good idea of what future stafflevels will be. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky inquired about the Operations Service Center and whether some <br />engineering services could move to the OSC. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated those selMces that function best together are where they should <br />be both at the OSC and the civic center. It would not be efficient to move engineering to the <br />OSC in terms of how they work with the rest of the staff. <br /> <br />Mr. Brozosky asked if a new library building would fit on the three-acre parcel. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said it would fit but it would be far too expensive to rebuild the library as <br />opposed to expanding the existing one. The same thing applies to the police building. It would <br />make planning the site easier without having to deal with police parking issues, but again, it <br />would not be fiscally responsible. <br /> <br />~ Mr. Brozosky then referred to the 157 Main Street building and asked if $3 million was <br />the total investment for it. If it were to be sold for retail, could the City recoup that investment? <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan said the building was purchased with the idea that someday it would be <br />torn down. Decisions regarding a new civic center master plan take a very long time and in <br />order to accommodate staff in the short term, it was necessary to find space for them. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky wanted to know if the building were sold for retail, would the City get <br />more than $3 million for it? <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan thought that was tree, but if that happened, there would be even less <br />space for planning the civic center site. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bocian pointed out that purchasing 157 Main Street allowed the City to move staff <br />out of leased space, so there is a money savings over time. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 19 08/19/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />