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update. We want to work on this and to hear from the community to address the needs and <br />challenges we are faced with. A transit village near the BART is something that we should <br />continue to explore. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman asked if that could be done without creating another process outside of <br />the General Plan process? That was her concern. She did not want to give carte blanche to the <br />Livable Communities people to work with staff and have that develop into something that takes <br />on a life of its own and goes in a particular direction, then have the community engage in the <br />same topic and issues. She recognized the expertise of the Livable Communities staff and <br />invited them to be included in the process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky said there will be many sessions on various topics, such as the east side <br />study. He did not see this as being different and could be included with reviews of other parts of <br />the City. He agreed there should not be parallel tracks. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala agreed with the staff recommendation and wanted to make certain the <br />homeowners associations in the business park are included. She felt this was a big job with a lot <br />of different groups to please. <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan agreed this should be done in coordination with the General Plan. This <br />effort could take as long as the General Plan review all by itself. However, there is a very tight <br />timeline for the General Plan review and if anything takes longer, this could be that piece. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico did not believe a specific plan was being created. The goal was to find <br />modifications or updates to the General Plan concepts or a new development agreement for the <br />business park. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky felt the plans for the business park need to remain very conceptual at this <br />point. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala said there is a 29,000 unit cap for housing, so a decision has to be made on <br />where the remaining housing will be built. Then the General Plan can proceed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Ms. Ayala, seconded by Mr. Brozosky, to direct staff to continue to <br />work with the Livable Communities Initiative, including participation by the Hacienda <br />Owners' Association, the Pleasanton Unified School District, other groups, and the <br />community, on reviewing development opportunities of the Hacienda Park as part of the <br />upcoming General Plan update process. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Brozosky, Campbell, Hosterman, and Mayor Pieo <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 25 05/20/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />