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Mr. Church agreed the City should not spend resources unnecessarily on their proposal. <br />He believed it was more a coordination of efforts than a separate process. He was aware several <br />Hacienda property owners were moving ahead with their own plans and he hoped those would be <br />part of the process. The desire is that all that gets included in the General Plan update and <br />doesn't duplicate work, but rather complements the effort. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala said the "charrette" process was not what she had anticipated and because of <br />that she was concerned that if this organization goes off on its own, the City would be presented <br />with the same product that was delivered in April. She has received several e-mails expressing <br />concern that there is not a citizens committee for the General Plan update and urging community <br />participation. Hacienda is part of this community and should be encompassed in the General <br />plan review. With regard to the BART station, the concepts appear to be either create housing at <br />BART for people to commute out of town to another place of work, or since there are already <br />places to work in Hacienda, you make it inviting for people to come to work there <br />elsewhere. With those two concepts, she asked Mr. Church which direction his plan would take. <br /> <br /> Mr. Church said neither. There is still more debate to be had and he did not feel it would <br />be an either/or concept. He acknowledged that they had gone off on their own in the first <br />presentation, but fully intended to work with the City and the public for any future activities and <br />to be complementary to the General Plan. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala asked if City staff would be in the lead? <br /> <br /> Mr. Church said when a specific plan and place are involved, the planning staffhas to be <br />intimately involved. All this will be open to the public for discussion and input. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala said a consultant told her the City Planning staff was used to reacting to plans <br />brought to them and not to developing a plan. She totally disagreed with that. <br /> <br />Mr. Church also disagreed with that. He has never seen that from a city staff. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala reiterated her desire to have the city planning staff in the lead and in more <br />control than the Livable Communities staff. <br /> <br />Mr. Church agreed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky was disappointed with the "charrette" process, but acknowledged the <br />process should move on. He felt the challenges for the property are schools and parks. If a <br />thousand units are added, he did not think the elementary schools could handle the increase in <br />population. There is no property available nearby for construction of a school. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico believed some progress had been made and he wanted to continue to explore <br />the options for the business park. He supported having staff to continue to work with the <br />property owners association and the East Bay Community Foundation in exploring alternative <br />plans for uses in the vicinity of the BART station and integrating that with the General Plan <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 24 05/20/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />