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It was moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Ms. Hosterman, to approve the <br />Reimbursement Agreement with the City of Dublin for Final Design and Construction of <br />the 1-580 at E! Charro/Fallon Road interchange; to appropriate $202,700 from the <br />Stoneridge Drive Specific Plan for the final design work for the 1-580 at El Charro/Failon <br />Road interchange project; and to authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. <br /> <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers - Ayala, Brozosky, Campbell, Hosterman, and Mayor Pico <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />ABSTAIN: None <br /> <br />Item 6e <br />Review of the East Bay Community Foundation's Hacienda Park Opportunities Study. <br />(SR 03:144) <br /> <br />Brian Swift presented the staff report. <br /> <br /> Ed Church, representing the East Bay Community Foundation, briefly reviewed the <br />concept study and the designs that were presented to start discussions. The appendix sets forth <br />comments from the presentation. He noted the report and appendices are available on-line at the <br />following websites: and <br />at These are <br />ideas for people to think about and to spark discussion. He acknowledged that more information <br />is necessary and much more discussion before any plans take shape. A good starting point <br />would be a manageable project close to BART. He also believed that the next step should be to <br />develop urban design options with economic and traffic analyses of Hacienda Business Park near <br />the BART station. This would be a public process and it is not anticipated that there would be <br />City funds to pay for the process. He asked that City staffbe involved as liaisons for the process <br />in order to insure that the planning process is integrated with the upcoming General Plan updates. <br /> <br />Mr. Brozosky inquired if there would be a timeline for this process. <br /> <br /> Mr. Church said he would work with staff to develop that. First the business owners and <br />BART representatives need to decide a potential area for consideration. There would then be a <br />public process to review how many units, etc. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell thanked him for bringing this forward. It encourages the community to <br />think outside the box to determine what to do in this area. He looked forward to this <br />organization working with City staffto develop a good plan for the area. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hosterman echoed those sentiments. She was concerned about competing processes <br />and suggested that the Livable Communities representatives be part of the General Plan Update <br />process. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 23 05/20/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />