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worked diligently with the quarry owners to solve the infrastructure problems. This loop is just <br />the beginning. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked if the loop was sufficient whether E1 Charro connects or not. He did <br />not want staffto come back and say more improvements had to be made to this ramp. <br /> <br /> Mr. Wilson said the loop was enough whether or not there is an extension of E1 Charro or <br />Stoneridge. The only change that will be necessary is that the over crossing would have to be <br />widened, but the loop would stay the same. The future development depends on how <br />development occurs and its timing. Staff's best estimate is within the next twenty years. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky asked why it is taking Dublin so long to reimburse Pleasanton for the other <br />interchange improvements? <br /> <br /> Ms. McKeehan indicated Dublin has adopted a traffic fee to help reimburse Pleasanton <br />for the interchange improvements. If a developer constructs road improvements, it does not pay <br />a fee. Whenever a developer pays the traffic fee, it comes to Pleasanton as part of the <br />reimbursement. She noted that some of these agreements were negotiated later and initially <br />Dublin was not obligated to pay interest on the money. When the interchange improvements <br />were originally constructed, there was no development occurring in Dublin and from their <br />perspective Pleasanton was getting a decade of revenue from the development in Pleasanton and <br />we needed the interchanges to do that. It is now Dublin's time for development and it is <br />financing the major portion of the E1 Charro interchange and they are reimbursing us for the <br />prior improvements. It will just take a while, depending on the development of east Dublin. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico said the agenda item is for approval of only $202,700 from the Stoneridge <br />Drive Specific Plan fund. This is not related to the other interchanges, Dublin is making <br />payments to Pleasanton, and he did not want to jeopardize relationships with Dublin. He further <br />explained that the reimbursements from Dublin go back to the North Pleasanton Improvement <br />District, not to the City of Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ayala asked what the total amount for the loop would be and whether there was <br />interest on this loan? <br /> <br /> Mr. Wilson said the $202,700 is for the design portion. The construction costs will be <br />determined once the design is complete. The estimated total cost of the agreement is less than $1 <br />million. Pleasanton is advancing the cost for the design and once the bids come in for the actual <br />construction, Pleasanton would pay those costs. This is not a loan. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 22 05/20/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />