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6. PUBLIC HEARINGS AND OTHER MATTERS <br /> <br />Item 6a <br />Modification of the Vineyard Corridor Neighborhood Traffic Ca]min~ Plan <br />(SR 03:033) <br /> <br /> Councilmembers Hosterman and Campbell own property within 500 feet of the area in <br />question and therefore recused themselves from participating in this item. <br /> <br /> JeffKnowles presented the staff report. He responded to concerns from the last meeting <br />and indicated there are signal lights that cannot be seen outside of the traffic lanes and they <br />would not impact nearby residences at all. He also said the signals could be made sensitive to <br />approaching vehicle speeds. If the vehicle were going too fast, the signal would turn red. There <br />would be signage explaining this and he felt drivers would soon learn to drive at the speed limit. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico invited public comments. <br /> <br /> Craig Sjoberg, 5000 Pleasanton Avenue, said the City should do whatever is necessary to <br />make the road safer and easier to drive. For example, straighten the curves and slow the traffic. <br />He felt the roundabouts will just annoy people. <br /> <br /> Mayor Pico clarified that the staffrecommendation is to modify Vineyard from Touriga <br />to Montevino to make it two lanes instead of four lanes without roundabouts. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brozosky thought the recommendation was for two lanes in one direction and one <br />lane in the other. He asked when that changed? <br /> <br /> Mr. Knowles said the original recommendation was for one westbound lane and two <br />eastbound lanes. However, from testimony at the last meeting, it sounded like the preference <br />was for one lane in each direction. He noted there would not be one lane eastbound until the <br />traffic signal was installed. The staffrecommendation has not changed from the original report. <br /> <br /> Marie Andreini, 715 Montevino Drive, presented photographs to show the view from her <br />home and of other residences in her neighborhood. She believed the light from the changing <br />traffic signals would bother her and other residents. She complained of problems gett'mg out of <br />her driveway and believed a traffic signal would make that worse for her and her neighbors. She <br />said there is bad traffic only four hours a day normally. It is worse now because of the <br />construction on Vineyard. She did not believe there was justification for a signal. If the light at <br />Ruby Hill was set to delay traffic from Liwimore, those drivers would go to Stanley and it <br />would make the situation better on Vineyard. <br /> <br /> Mark Priscaro, 4241 Garibaldi Place, said he lives in the Kottinger Ranch subdivision off <br />Bernal Avenue. He referred to the proposal to replace the stop sign at Bemal and Kottinger with <br />a traffic signal. He believed that when drivers see a green light at the foot of Bemal, they will <br />chive faster to get through the light. He suggested a four-way stop or a traffic signal at Hearst <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 6 02/18/03 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />