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provide enough capacity to move everyone through town at a decent level of service, or do you <br />use a combination of providing capacity and controlling the flow through town. <br /> <br />Ms. Ayala asked if the business community had indicated annoyance with the metering. <br /> <br /> Mr. Nostrand said he had heard several concerns about traffic. His main point was that as <br />the City discusses traffic and meters incoming traffic, that it doesn't lose sight of the fact that it <br />is affecting the businesses. <br /> <br /> Ellen Olsen, 301 Diamond Court, said she has seen many changes in her neighborhood <br />and has had to adjust to them. She has lived here for thirty years and has always felt it was a safe <br />place to bring up children. That is now a concern with the traffic coming through town. She <br />understands the metering goals. She agreed with another speaker about the reduction in traffic <br />on Sunol when there was road damage on Stanley Boulevard. She believed the bottom line <br />question to be answered was what will be done about Highway 84. She wanted to be certain <br />there was a Tri-Valley task force working on regional solutions to the traffic. She was pleased to <br />say that since metering, traffic is reduced on Sunol however there is a speed problem with traffic <br />going from Raley's to the fi'eeway. She agreed with the CHP officer about the dangers of traffic <br />backup onto the freeway and supported getting warning signs on the freeway. <br /> <br /> Robert Wright, 2538 Corte Bella, said he had been a resident for 31 years and has seen a <br />lot of changes. Hacienda Business Park just had its twenty year celebration. He noted that it was <br />supposed to be in an ideal location at 580/680. Now we are paying the price. All these solutions <br />being discussed are for cut through traffic. He did not feel it was NIMBYism. The General Plan <br />states that we should have Level of Service D and that is what is trying to be achieved. We are <br />also addressing cut through traffic as a safety issue. If cut through traffic is diverted then the <br />80% of people who work in town are happy and circulation improves. There is 10% of the <br />residents impacted by the metering at Sunol and potentially other locations. Decisions need to be <br />made based on the best interests of all of Pleasanton. He did not want to alienate those residents <br />who experience a two to five minute delay, but that is a sacrifice that many other people have <br />made over the years for many other changes made in town. He hoped Council would consider <br />this as a cut through issue. The other comments about housing and job balance are not part of <br />the cut through traffic issue. That is a different issue. Cut through traffic will be affected by <br />what happens with Highway 84. He urged Council to deal with the cut through traffic. <br />Jobs/housing balance and affordable housing are separate issues. He hoped for regional <br />solutions because that is the only way to solve the cut through problem. <br /> <br /> Donna Ireland said her concern was not being kept at lights longer on her way home, but <br />with safety as mentioned by the CHP officer. The off ramp at Sunol is short. When one exits the <br />freeway the ramp is level then dips significantly so that traffic on the flat part cannot see if there <br />is traffic stopped on the declining section of the off ramp. The off ramp is also at the end ora <br />very long curve on the freeway which limits visibility. During commute periods traffic is heavy <br />everywhere in the Bay Area, in town as well as on freeways. She was concerned about the safety <br />of people driving home and getting stuck on the off ramp. There are many Pleasanton residents <br />who use Sunol and First to reach their neighborhoods. Less traffic is refreshing, but not worth <br />the risk of injury to residents who are stopped on the off ramp. She did not think the warning <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />14 08/22/02 <br /> <br /> <br />