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There is no way to fund all these projects. At some point, we have to choose. He felt the reason <br />for the West Positas interchange was to get onto northbound 680 in the at~emoon. He did not <br />think many Pleasanton residents would use that. If the interchange is built, it will put thousands <br />more cars on the road to interact with the school children. <br /> <br /> Victor Bailey, 4565 Black Avenue, said he has lived here 36 years and has seen a lot of <br />changes. We want a city of planned progress and that means growth, good or bad. He has seen <br />many good things and some mistakes. He referred to the requirement that banks locate <br />downtown; Del Valle Parkway; the new Aquatic Center, without adequate parking; the ballot <br />that had 75% support of a train and Council still doesn't want a train on the weekends (the senior <br />center is closed on weekends so it would not affect them). He did not want to make another <br />mistake. The West Las Positas interchange is up to Council to decide. He works west of town <br />and he used to take the two lane Hopyard to the freeway. He felt that was dangerous now <br />because of the amount of traffic on 580 and the backup of those trying to get onto 680. He takes <br />Stoneridge to 680 in order to get over to 580. He would be off city streets if he could take West <br />Las Positas and get on 680 there. School hours are about 8:00 to 3:00. He is on the road at 6:00 <br />a.m. and does not come home until 6:00 p.m. He saw no problem with the braided ramp at West <br />Las Positas. If you take out the Stoneridge ramp going west, that would be a big problem. <br /> <br /> Therese Pimentel, 6006 Audrey Court, said she purchased a home a year ago and chose <br />to go to Val Vista because they knew the West Las Positas interchange was in the master plan. <br />She did not have any information about widening Stoneridge. Her home backs up to Hopyard <br />and it is very loud already. If more traffic comes onto Stoneridge, them will be even more noise. <br />The Val Vista neighborhood is already being used as a cut-through. She has requested the police <br />department to have officers there from 4:00 p.m. and they have ticketed many people. She <br />related her complaints to the city about additional traffic at the expanded Val Vista Park and was <br />told that if traffic calming was implemented, that she and her neighbors would have to pay for it. <br />Yet Pleasanton is talking about allowing more traffic to use her neighborhood as a cut-through. <br />If you don't build the West Las Positas interchange, there will be more people in her <br />neighborhood. She did not think it was right that she should have to pay for the traffic calming. <br />She supported the interchange because people in her neighborhood are already suffering and are <br />not getting any help from the police department or the traffic department. <br /> <br /> Michael Meyers, 4360 Muirwood Drive, felt Pleasanton is almost built out and traffic <br />will only get worse. He wanted Council to pay more attention to its borders and not put an exit <br />right in the middle of town. It is opening the door to more traffic. Stoneridge is the front line <br />with one side businesses and the other side houses. He felt more attention should be paid to that <br />area. Foothill Road needs some work. No one will know what will happen at Bemal for a <br />couple for years. He suggested installation of a light at West Las Positas, but did not favor a <br />ramp there. He felt that cars on 580 take Santa Rita when the freeway is backed up and that <br />causes major traffic problems on Santa Rita. He cited other traffic problems in town that he <br />thought would only get worse. Muirwood also suffers from cut-through traffic. He said <br />Muirwood Park is the third largest park in Pleasanton and there are always activities there during <br />peak commute hours. He was concerned there would be a problem there. His dog was recently <br />killed on Muirwood. He wanted Pleasanton to stay a nice place to live. <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 22 05/07/02 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />
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