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constructed, the cost of the mitigations would be enormous. She felt government projects always <br />run over budget because the mitigations are not included in the original price. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico said that one of the dates for the traffic count was incorrect. <br /> <br /> Ken Duron, 5270 Hummingbird Road, indicated he was an at large representative to the <br />committee. He thanked Council and staff for their patience over the last five years as this <br />process has continued. This was his first experience on a local committee and found it to be <br />very educational and collaborative until the last twelve months. It was very inclusive until that <br />last eight or nine months. There was a commitment by all. The recommendation is prudent and <br />well thought out. It is a constructive second step although not the final solution. He was <br />frustrated to have a report that recommends further study, but he agreed that is what is needed at <br />this point. The staff recommendation is excellent and he urged Council to support it. He felt <br />there needed to be more consideration of city-wide impacts. As the at-large representative he felt <br />outnumbered. The committee was selected from those most directly affected by the interchange. <br />The business community is more removed and did not have a personal interest as so many other <br />members did. From his experience, he said the NEPA process, like the CEQA process, would <br />require a lot of public, well-documented and clearly delineated studies. That is a logical next <br />step in the process. <br /> <br /> Jo Molz, 7550 Driftwood Way, said she has been involved with the committee from the <br />beginning. She represents the Highland Oaks area. She delivered a poll to each homeowner and <br />the vast majority opposed the interchange. She wanted Council to be aware of their feelings. <br /> <br /> Tom Gill, 6415 Amber Lane, said there have been a lot of newspaper articles about this <br />whole process. It is important that everyone understand that the reason we are discussing the <br />interchange is that Pleasanton will not be able to get its afternoon commute traffic off <br />northbound 680 with only the current Stoneridge interchange. Over five years, there has been <br />extensive traffic analysis and we have come down to two alternatives to get northbound 680 <br />traffic onto the freeway in the afternoon. Plan A is the general plan alternative and includes the <br />West Las Positas interchange. Without any mitigations, it will cost $76.4 million. The <br />alternative the committee suggested is a consensus and would cost $52.8 million. It is important <br />to note that both plans would require the braided ramps. Those will cost $45.3 million before <br />mitigation. The difference is between Plan A, general plan plus West Las Positas interchange, <br />and Plan C, including widening of Stoneridge. Basically the West Las Positas interchange, plus <br />intersections improvements at the West Las Positas and Hopyard intersection, would cost $31.1 <br />million without mitigation. There have been impassioned comments about safety and impacts on <br />school children. On Stoneridge, there is concern about traffic safety. Obviously those things <br />have to be studied. $31.1 million in Plan A to build West Las Positas interchange and widen <br />West Las Positas and Hopyard vs. $7.5 million needed for Plan C to widen Stoneridge to eight <br />lanes; a difference of $23.6 million without mitigation. There will be millions of dollars for <br />mitigations with both plans. No one knows where that money will come from let alone the funds <br />for widening Stoneridge under Plan C. What we do know is there is an ever growing wish list of <br />capital projects, such as the Happy Valley Golf Course, Vineyard realignment, new City Hall, <br />Bemal field of dreams improvements. Will we be willing to give up one or more of these <br />because we choose to build a West Las Positas interchange that costs an extra $23.6 million? <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 21 05/07/02 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />