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for south Pleasanton have apparently changed from the rest of the City. He asked Council to <br />have the conditions consistent throughout the City. He asked why the heights in Hacienda <br />Business Park are judged differently than this project. He referred to the two recommendations <br />of the Planning Commission. One was to provide a trail around the perimeter and he urged <br />Council to support that recommendation. The other request was to have lower plantings (below <br />five feet) in the medians so as not to obstruct the views from the homes. Kaiser and Applied <br />Biosystems were willing to accommodate this latter request. He urged Council to support this as <br />well. He wanted to retain the ability to make a left turn in and out of Diamond Court. <br /> <br /> John Kranich, 5656 Sonoma Drive, believed this project was good for the economy and <br />would provide improvements to Sunol Boulevard. He supported the project. <br /> <br /> Craig Rubalid, 2754 Calle de la Loma, indicated he was impressed with the presentation <br />and felt this project was good for the community. <br /> <br /> Greg Creighton, 989 Crellin Road, also supported the project. He indicated he was a <br />mechanical engineer and was excited to see this project bring new jobs to the area. He also liked <br />the proposed road improvements. <br /> <br /> Craig Ristow, 286 Kottinger Drive, supported the project. It is a good addition to the <br />city. <br /> <br /> lan Schiell, 4233 Nova Court, supported the project. He felt it would bring a lot of high- <br />paying jobs to Pleasanton, which will boost the local economy. <br /> <br /> Bob Beaman, 4402 Bacon Court, indicated he was in favor of the project. He was a <br />member of IB£W and this will be an excellent opportunity for Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Roberta Smigel, 528 St. Thomas Way, indicated she was president of the Vintage Terrace <br />Homeowners Association and Director of Creative Services at Applied Biosystems. She moved <br />here when she heard the company was moving here. She is very proud of Pleasanton and its <br />sense of community and volunteerism. Applied Biosystems also cares about people, health and <br />communities. She related the various ways that Applied Biosystems has supported various <br />charities and organizations. She was excited that she will not have to commute to Foster City. <br /> <br /> Michael Gross, 454 Los Rios Court, indicated he has lived here since 1990 and he and his <br />wife have discussed this project. They have two children in schools near the project. His family <br />strongly supports a company like Applied Biosystems coming to Pleasanton. He urged Council <br />to support it. <br /> <br /> Rich Corvello, 537 St. Thomas Way, as Assistant Business Manager for International <br />Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 595, was representing 2,200 members in the electrical <br />construction industry. Approximately 65 members and their families live in Pleasanton. He <br />asked for Council's approval of this project. He commuted from Fairfield to the Bay Area for <br />several years. He said the importance of being able to work in the same town in which you live <br />is a benefit. Pleasanton has always had intelligent planning and made certain the infrastructure <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 8 12/04/01 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />