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Mr. Swift said as the buildings are constructed north, the elevations get lowered. The <br />overall height when viewed across the courtyard is about the same. There was consideration of <br />depressing the foundations even farther for the three-story buildings, but that would require a <br />massive number of tracks hauling dirt offsite. <br /> <br /> Ken Mantoani, Senior Director of Global Site Services for Applied Biosystems, briefly <br />reviewed the history of this project and then described the company. He referred interested <br />persons to the website for Applied Biosystems for more detailed information. <br /> <br /> Rick Sage, Director of Site Development for Applied Biosystems, reviewed the proposed <br />project and process to this point, including neighborhood meetings, workshops and Planning <br />Commission hearings. <br /> <br /> David Gates, Gates Associates, described the land planning, building design, and <br />landscaping for the proposed project. <br /> <br /> Bryan Croeni, MBT Architecture, described the architectural design and features of the <br />buildings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sage showed a final slide and indicated that if the project is approved grading would <br />start for only two buildings (C and D) at this time of year. Occupancy is expected by Spring of <br />2003. <br /> <br /> Mr. Campbell asked about the trails on the western edge of the knoll area adjacent to 1- <br />680. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sage described the location of the current trail system. There are some existing trails <br />on the campus that will remain, but will be for employees only and not public trails. The public <br />trail is along Sunol Boulevard and along the north side of the property along Sycamore Creek <br />with a continuation of the trail to the northwest comer of the property. <br /> <br />There was a break at 9:00 p.m. <br /> <br />The meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m. <br /> <br />Mayor Pico declared the public heating open. <br /> <br /> William Olson 301 Diamond Court, indicated that from offsite, the background of the <br />new buildings will not be the sky but the hills. He said the old Kaiser building blended in well <br />with its darker color. He presented some of his wife's comments. The southern entrance to <br />Pleasanton was to be a gateway retaining a neighborly rural atmosphere with low built <br />construction along Sunol Boulevard, to be unobtrusive to fit in with the current neighborhood. <br />Another goal was to retain the campus-like quality of the old Kaiser property. The neighborhood <br />group has worked hard to retain these goals, however the buildings have gotten higher. The <br />citizens' idea of low and overall height is apparently different than the Planning staff. The rules <br /> <br />Pleasanton City Council 7 12/04/01 <br />Minutes <br /> <br /> <br />