Discussion ensued regarding the architecture of these individual buildings to
<br />be constructed on these lots. Mr. Aiello stated that each doctor will have to
<br />submit plans for his building to the Design and Review Board in order to maintain
<br />a conformity of architectural design on this medical site.
<br /> It was moved by Councilman Ger~on and seconded by Councilman Beratlis that
<br />Ordinance No. 599, amending Ordinance No. 520, rezoning from the Agricultural
<br />District to the Office District that property described as a portion of Parcel
<br />1-4, Block 3367, Assessor's Map Book 946, containing approximately .24 acres, and
<br />located on the south side of Black Avenue aD~roximately 500 feet west of Santa
<br />Rita Road, be introduced.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYZS: Councilmen Beratlis, Getton, Pearson, Spiliotopoulos and Mayor Reid
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br />~DDliCatiou of American Forest Pro~uc~. qqF.~.~ for an ~mendment__.to Ord. No. 520
<br />rezoning from the A (Agriculture) District to the C-S (Commercial Service) D_iStr~,
<br />that proper~y::des__cy~ed as Parcel 3~4, Assessor's Map Book 946, Block 3295, con-
<br />taininR appro~. 7.2~__a~res, and generally located on the southwest corner of VallJ~
<br />Avenue and Santa Rita Road
<br /> Mayor Reid declared the public hearing open.
<br /> Mr. Aiello displayed a map of the subject property. Mr. Aiello then reviewed
<br />the staff report of March 11, 1970, and the report of the Acting Planning Director,
<br />dated April 9, 1970, in which he stated that the Planning Commission, at its regu-
<br />lar meeting of April 8th, adopted Resolution No. 1000, approving the Commercial
<br />Service zoning for this property.
<br /> Mr. Aiello then read the comments made by Mr. Castro, dated May 4, 1970, which
<br />reviewed the history of this property. In his report, Mr. Castro stated that the
<br />Planning Department would like to go on record as being opposed to the amount of
<br />Commercial Service Zoning in this application, that has been recommended by the
<br />Planning Commission.
<br /> The recommendation Mr. Castro proposes is that the Western Sierra Lumber site
<br />be reduced in acreage to about one half and that with proper site planning and
<br />architectural control, some form of multiple use could be encouraged for that area.
<br /> Mr. John Corley, representing the American Forest Products, listed a number of
<br />uses that could be compatible in a Commercial-Service area.
<br /> Mr. DeWitt Alt and Mr. George Canessa both stated that Pleasanton needs this
<br />type of development.
<br /> Mr. Dudley Frost, Morrison Homes, opposed the zoning as did Mr. Rapp, the
<br />developer of the Amador Shopping Center, on the basis that it was contrary to the
<br />General Plan and requested that the application be denied.
<br /> There being no further comments from the public, it was moved by Councilman
<br />Spiliotopoulos and seconded by Councilman Beratlis that the public hearing be
<br />closed.
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmen Beratlis~ Getton, Pearson, Spiliotopoulos and Mayor Reid
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> Councilmen Spiliotopoulos stated that he felt that Pleasanton needs more
<br />Service Commercial Zoning with businesses such as Mr. Corley listed.
<br /> Discussion ensued regarding types of businesses that would be allowed with this
<br />type of zoning. Mr. Fales read a letter from Mr. Cotlay, dated March 24, 1970,
<br />addressed to the Planning Commission, in which the American Forest Products would
<br />agree to only certain types of businesses locating on their property.
<br />Councilman Sptliotopoulos stated that he felt that Mr. Rapp and Mr. Frost's
<br />statement opposing Western Sierra's application were for strictly economic reasons.
<br /> Discussion ensued regarding the fact that Santa Rita Road could become strip
<br />commercial.
<br /> Mayor Reid and Councilman Pearson both charged that this zoning application is
<br />in violation of the General Plan.
<br /> After considerable discussion, it was moved by Councilman Gerton and seconded
<br />by Councilman Beratlis that Ordinance No. 601, amending Ordinance No. 520, rezoning
<br />from the Agricultural District to the Commercial Service District, that property
<br />described as Parcel 3-4, Assessor's Map Book 946, Block 3295, containing approxi-
<br />mately 7.25 acres, and generally located on the southwest corner of Valley Avenue
<br />~nd S~nta Rita Road, be introduced.
<br />~he roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmen Beratlis, Gerton and Spiliotopoulos
<br />NOES: Councilman Pearson and Mayor Reid
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br />
<br />