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95 <br /> <br />The r~ll call vo~e was as i~liows: <br />AYES: C~uncitmen Herllhy, Kinney, Mo~i, Raid, and ~yo~ Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />~i..?e: Hol____dj!n.j~ Tank ~ranchise A~reement and Ordinance <br /> Mr~ Edgar stated tha~ pursuant to City Council directire, a proposed F~anchise <br />Agreement and O~dlnance relating to Hoid~ng Tanks have been pz;epared fo~ Council <br />review and app~ov~l~ <br /> <br /> Mr~ Scheidtg presented the proposed Agreement and Ordinancel=. <br /> <br /> Councilman Kinney requested that another option be considered by the City of <br />using the ponds a~ the Sunol Sewage Tfeatmen~ Plant for dleposaio <br /> <br /> I[ was moved by Coun~iman Reid, and seconded by Councilman Herllhy, that <br />Ordinance No.! 716, to be read by title only and waiving further reading thereof. <br />adding Article 14 to Chap[or 2 (Special Permits), Title IV (Health, Safety, <br />Moral, and Geneyal Welfare) of =he Ordinance Code of the City of Pleasanton <br />relating to colle{~!tion of effluent, be introduced° <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Herlib. y, Kinney, M~ri, Reid, and Mayor Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> it was mo~ed by Councilman Reid, and seconded by Councilman Kinney, approving <br />as to form the Agreement for Holding Tank Franchise~ <br />The roll call vote was as ~ollows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Hetlihy, Kinney, Mori, Reid, and Mayor Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />Matters for the Information of ~he Council <br />M~o Edgar presented his ~eport regarding ~ T~ee Cutting lndustria! Ac¢idento <br /> <br /> Edgar presented a letter from the City of Livermore requesting a joint <br />study session on November! 26, 1973, between the two Cities and V~C.S.Do, regard- <br />ing Valley interests. The Council agreed to the joint meeting° <br /> <br /> Mr~ Edgar presented a let~e~ from Mrs° Mari!yn Niepoth regarding her <br />resignation :from the Community Concerns Com~nittee because she has moved <br />Pleasanton~ <br /> <br />REPORTS OF THE Ci]'Y ATTORNEY <br />Initiation oi Amendment to P.U~D~ Zonin~ Ordinance <br /> Mr~ Scheidig requested this item be continued to the meeting of November 19, <br />1973~ <br /> <br />InitiatiGD of ~DendmenE to Zoning_~Code.!~On of Hi~l.s:~de Elanned D~vel~ <br />ment Zonin~ District <br /> Mr~ ScheIldlg presented his Eepozt regarding this matter, stating that in order <br />for the necessaxy ordinance relating to ~he establishment of a hillside planned <br />development dls[~ict tc be prepared it is necessary for the City Co~nci! to <br />initiate a zoniag ~zdinance amendme~ <br /> <br /> It was ~n~ved by Councilman Mo~i, and seconded by Councilman Reid, that Reso- <br />lutllon N~ 73.-16~, in1~iating a zoning ordinance amendment pursuant to Section <br />2-i2.0~ of the Ordinance Code of the City of Pleasanton to include in Chapter 2, <br />T~t]e il o~ the Ordinance Code a new zoning district [eItaining ~o Hillside <br />Planned De~el~>pments~ be adop[ed~ <br />The roll call vo~e was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmen Herlihy, Kinney, Mori, Reid, and Mayor Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> ].0/29/73 <br /> <br /> <br />