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£t WaS n]:','ed By ~.~t.;,'.i: ~: )~ia~'. M j::,, ai;!Li !=c,~ni:ied by Councilman Reld~ r~hat Ordinance <br />No~. 714, to be reed bT;, i~tle or:ly a~id wai~:if~g farzher reading thereof, exre;~dlng for <br />an addition eight (8) n~:~ng~hs an ~oref~m s~d~aan.ce amending by Zoning Unit Maps 133 <br />and 134 the Zonl~g Map~ o~ ~}ze Clty of Pleasanton and rezoning certain properties <br />within the Cit. y of Pleasai~ton tr.~m ~-lSOO~ RM-2500 aria ~-4000 (Multi-Family Dis- <br />tzicts), R1-6500 (Single Famtl? Dls:rlc~,~ and A (Agricultural District) go S (Study <br />District} and amendlsg the Ordlnanc.~ C~d~ cf t'he City of Pleasanton accordingly <br />(Mission Pa~'k and Qualified and ad~ptlng such interim ordinance <br />as an urgency measure, be adc~ed~ <br />The roll call vc~e was as follows: <br />AYES: Counc'f linen Her'k.lby, Ki0ney, M~.ri, Re~d., and ~yoz- Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br />Appliqa~fon from L~!~-Z Be~k z~ authorizaEton to ~'emcve six Heritage Trees on <br />~yat2_~LZ a~__~.,~j?_~j!~_:~r~!~L_~.]:~e =¢~ ~.rees f~om the Berne! Avenue Street <br /> <br />tion; and A~!i~__~.ioj ~.. [~[.o~_.the ~'ii!s~a ~I3a~.Ba__n~_ ~f Pleasan~on for au~horlza~ ion <br />to remove one Herita~if.~!_~.~!5-!SL~_~~ Locus~ze~, near the front of the <br />existfn~ bank buildtna.!~.~nct~on w'ith <br /> At the request of the F!rs~ National Bank, ~nd with the concurrence of the <br />Valley Bank, Mayor Pea:son dec k~ed [hT.e "Lc~m ~:~f~.lnued to the meeting of November <br />5, 1973. <br /> <br /> Mrs, Diane 3ager, 55~9 Bl~ck Avenue, spoke in favor of preserving the Locust <br />Tree on the First Natlonal Bank <br /> <br />~TTERS CONTINUED ~OR DECIS'iON <br /> There were no ~rters conL1nued for decision presented at this meetlng~ <br /> <br />SPECIAL, REPORTb <br /> There were no special ~epo~ts presented at this meeting, <br /> <br />REPORTS OF BOA~S AND <br /> There were no reports Gf Boa'~ds ~nd C~n]mi6~ions presented a~ this mee~ing~ <br /> <br />REPORTS OF THE C i~rY ~NAGER <br />~t~ Re: R,e?~e]o~ n~L_.~?.~7~] S~ee sad Use rex O[dinance and a~roval of A~reement <br />for State Administrstion <br /> Mr. Walke~ presented ~he ~[~ rep~rr. regarding this matter, stating ~hat amend- <br />ments to [ihe B~ad[ey-.Burns ~aw ~ade by Assembly Bill 309 and Senate Bill 90 will be <br />operative January 1,192~ ~]~ne City is ~equifed to amend its Bradley-Burns Ordinance <br />(ordinance imposing a ea!es/~nd u~e ~sx '~o be administered by the State Board of <br />Equalizat.~on) p~iut ~..z. Jauua~y ]., ~974~ The City will lose sales tax revenue for at <br />least three ~nont]~s ~f the o~di. nance i~ ~cT. amended prior ~o ~he Januax'~ 1, 1974, <br />date~. <br /> <br /> ME~ Scheidlg p~esent~d ~he p~'opos~d o~dln~.nca~. <br /> <br /> it was mo~ed by CouncilmaF~ Re~d, ~]d seconded by Counci~an Mo~i, that Ordinance <br />No, 715, to be read by tltle only and w~iving further reading thereof, imposing a <br />sales and use tax t~ b~ ~d~:~inistered by [Lhe Sta~e Board cf Equalization and provid- <br />ing penalties for vio~a~xons, be ~ntrod~ked, and authorizing the apprcprlate City <br />officials to exe<~re the Ag~eement f~,~ Sr~ane administration of local sales and use <br />taxes. <br />The roll ~alt :-,o~e was ds <br />AYES: Coonc~i].men He~l lhy, Klnney, Mol i~ Reid, and Mayc~ Pearson <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENI: No~e <br /> <br />Report, Re: Purchase ~D[ o~:L~000 GFM P~ <br />Mr. Walker presented the staf~ xepo~t regarding this matter, stating that ~he <br />City Council authorized r;he Ci~-~ s~aff r.o p~o~.eed with =he necessary preliminary <br />work required [~ purchase. ~ new 1,000 GPM P~:mpe~ for the Fire Department in the <br />1974-75 Fiscal Yea~. Du~ng ~be prellmina~y work in preparing the specifications <br />for the new ~e ~k, an ~ffer to se)~. ~he Clty a truck now being constructed <br />was made by The Bos'rd~n C~mp~ny, a bur!dot of fire ~pparatus~ The t~cck is now <br />being buii~ ~s a de~KT.f~t~'~tor ~nd wii~ be a~ai~eble in approximately nine months, <br />Howevex, in ~.-rde~ for the City ~ be abie ~ purchase ~he truck, a con~itment <br />must be made w] ~h[n the next k~wc weeks by ~he Clty~ The Boardman Company has <br /> <br /> <br />