<br />
<br /> Mr. Schefdfg stated the firm of Sturgfs, Den Dulk, Douglass and Anderson,
<br /> 1322 Webster Street, Oakland, had prepared the necessary documents for the
<br /> implementation of Assessment District 1974-1, and that MacKay and Somps, P. O.
<br /> Box 217, Pleasanton, was the Engineer of Work.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Robert Brunsell, Sturgis, Den Dulk, Douglass and Anderson, explained
<br /> the various documents necessary for the establishment of Assessment District
<br />· --~ 1974-1, Foothill Road.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilman Philcox, and seconded by Councilman Herlihy,
<br /> that the following resolutions, pertaining to Assessment District No. 1974-1,
<br /> Foothill Road, be adopted:
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-52 - Resolution Approving BoundryMap.
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-53 - Resolution of Preliminary Determination to Undertake
<br /> Special Assessment Proceedings for the Improvements
<br /> and Acquisitions to be made in Assessment District
<br /> No. 1974-1, Stoneridge Center, City of Pleasanton,
<br /> Alameda County, California.
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-54 - Resolution appointing Engineer of Work and authorizing
<br /> Execution of Agreement.
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-55 - Resolution appointing Special Bond Counsel and
<br /> authorizing Execution of Agreement.
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-56 - Resolution of Intention in the matter of the Improvements
<br /> and Acquisitions to be made in Assessment District No..
<br /> 1974-1, Stoneridge Center, City of Pleasanton, Alameda
<br /> County, California.
<br />
<br /> Resolution No. 74-57 - Resolution and Order preliminarily adopting Engineer's
<br /> Report and setting public hearing, thereon, Assessment
<br /> District No. 1974-1, Stoneridge Center, City of Pleasan-
<br /> ton, Alameda County California.
<br />
<br /> The roll call vote was as follows:
<br /> AYES: Councilmen Herlihy, Kinney, Philcox, and Mayor Mori
<br /> NOES: None
<br /> ABSENT: Councilwoman LeClaire
<br />
<br /> Mayor Mori declared the public hearing be set at 8:00 P.M., May 13, 1974, at
<br /> the Pleasanton Justice Court, 30 West Angela, Pleasanton, regarding creation of
<br /> Assessment District No. 1974-1, Stoneridge Center, City of Pleasanton, Alameda
<br /> County, California.
<br />
<br /> Mr. Edgar requested that the approval of Agreement between City and Developer
<br /> regarding financing of Public Improvements related to the construction of the
<br /> Center, be continued for two weeks for final preparation of the document.
<br />
<br /> Report~ Re: Proposal on future structure of Valley Planning Committee
<br /> Councilman Herlihy presented a background report of the Valley Planning Committee.
<br /> He stated that in his opinion the Committee should broaden its purview in the area
<br /> of planning. He further stated that, given the ever increasing impact of regional
<br />...... agencies on multi-Jurisdictional planning efforts, he would propose the Valley Plan-
<br /> ning Committee assume responsibility for increasing the involvement of the Valley's
<br /> public jurisdictions in regional issues.
<br />
<br /> It was moved by Councilman Kinney, and seconded by Councilman Philcox, that the
<br /> proposal as presented by Councilman Herlihy that the Valley Planning Committee
<br /> assume responsibility for increasing the involvement of the Valley's public Juris-
<br /> dictions in regional issues, be transmitted to the Valley Planning Committee as an
<br /> agenda item for review.
<br />
<br /> 3. 4/8/74
<br />
<br />
<br />