<br /> It was moved by Councilmember Kephart, and seconded by Councilmember Butler,
<br /> that the following items listed on the Consent Calendar, as amended thereto, be
<br /> approved:
<br />
<br /> a. Approval of City Council Minutes for 10-3-78 and 10-10-78.
<br />
<br />b. Proclaim November 6-12, 1978, as Veterans' Week.
<br />
<br /> c. Approve by motion the request of Pleasanton Art League to hang a Banner on
<br /> the ~o~in Street Sign November 27-December 4, 1978, and place a sign in front
<br /> of the Veterans' Building on December 2, 1978.
<br />
<br /> d. Adoption of Ordinance No. 864, amending Ordinance No. 807, to delete the acre-
<br /> age restrictions as set forth in sub-paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Ordinance and
<br /> substitute a limit on the number of dwelling units which can be constructed
<br /> on PUD-78-3, H. C. Elliott, Inc. (the maximum should be 70 dwelling units).
<br />
<br /> e. Adoption of Ordinance ~o. 866, approving the application of H. C. Elliott,
<br /> Inc., for PUD development plan with regard to a fourteen acre site between
<br /> Tawny and Palomino Drives immediately east of Pico Avenue - six and nine-
<br /> tenths acres is proposed for residential townhouse development and seven
<br /> and one-tenth acres is proposed as a neighborhood
<br />
<br /> f. Adoption of Ordinance No. 867, to rezone an approximately 1.1 acre parcel of
<br /> land located at the northwest corner of Johnson Industrial Drive and Hopyard
<br /> Road from the I-G (General Industrial) District to the 0 (Office) District,
<br /> and amending the Zoning Map of the City of Pleasanton accordingly.
<br />
<br />g. Adoption of Resolution No. 78-269, approving Claims for the Month of September,
<br /> 1978, in the amount of $390,238.63.
<br />
<br />h. Adoption of Resolution No. 78-270, accepting the improvements for pavement
<br /> widening - Santa Rita Road and W. Las Positas Boulevard, Project No. 78-7,
<br /> approving final payment to Eugene G. Alves Construction Company, Inc., in
<br /> the amount of $10,081.24, and authorizing that Notice of Completion be filed.
<br />
<br />i. Adoption of Resolution No. 78-271, approving Progress Payment No. 1, to
<br /> Mountain Construction Inc., in the amount of $40,885.20, for work completed
<br /> on the Central Business District Storm Drainage Outfall, Project No. 78-3.
<br />
<br />j. Approve by motion the request of the Chamber of Commerce to hang a Banner
<br /> on the Main Street Sign, November 3-13, 1978, for Air Stream Convention.
<br />
<br />k.Approve by motion the request of the Chamber of Commerce to hang a Banner
<br /> on the Main Street Sign, December 4-26, 1978, for Holiday Greetings.
<br />
<br /> 1. Proclaim November 6-11, 1978, as Lions World Service Week.
<br />
<br />The roll call vote was as follows:
<br />AYES: Councilmen Brandes, Butler, Kephart, Wood, and Mayor Mercer
<br />NOES: None
<br />ABSENT: None
<br />
<br /> Councilmember Wood abstained from voting on approval of the City Council
<br />Minutes of October 10, 1978, due to his absence from that meeting due to illness.
<br />
<br /> 2. 10/24/78
<br />
<br />
<br />