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Mayor Mercer stated that the Main Street signals did not seem to be properly <br />synchronized and he requested staff to investigate this matter in order to maintain <br />a better flow of traffic in the downtown area. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer asked about the status of a report he recently requested regarding <br />shuttle bus service within the City and particularly to the regional shopping center. <br />The City Manager advised the report is in the process of being prepared with various <br />alternatives being reviewed at this time. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer stated that low hanging tree limbs were obstructing the view of the <br />new Stop sign at Northway and Crestline. He requested staff to have these trees <br />trimmed as soon as possible. <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> Councilmembers presented various Committee Reports for the information of the <br />Council. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Kephart reported on the water slide hearings this date at the <br />Board of Supervisors-and East Bay Regional Park District. He stated he delivered <br />the City's resolution setting forth opposition to this project unless traffic <br />measures are mitigated. He advised that he raised two points: that Shadow Cliffs <br />is a rural park setting and that this project would be more appropriate in an urban <br />center; and the project would cause adverse traffic impacts on Stanley Boulevard and <br />Vineyard Avenue. Councilmember Kephart stated the proposed Hindu project on Vine- <br />yard Avenue had been denied because of lack of municipal services and traffic impacts <br />and he felt the same considerations should be taken regarding the proposed water <br />slide project. Councilmember Kephart advised that the possibility of the completion <br />of Valley Avenue was discussed at the East Bay Regional Park District hearing and <br />that various cost figures for this project were reviewed. He stated a final decision <br />on the water slide project will be made this date by East Bay Regional Park District. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Mohr stated she and the City Attorney artended the Board of Super- <br />visors meeting regarding the City's appeal of Q-53, permit application of Kaiser Sand <br />and Gravel. The City Attorney reviewed the background of this matter stating that <br />the City felt this permit should be conditioned to prohibit trucks on First Street <br />or to limit the hours of operation of the gravel companies. Councilmember Mohr ad- <br />vised that Supervisor Raymond proposed that the Pleasanton City Council, the gravel <br />companies, and the Board of Supervisors meet together in an attempt to work out an <br />amicable solution for all concerned. Supervisor Raymond suggested that Pleasanton <br />City Council not adopttheir proposed truck weight limitation ordinance until after <br />such meetings were held. After considerable discussion, it was moved by Council- <br />member Butler, and seconded by Councilmember Wood, that the City Council continue <br />the process to certify the Environmental Impact Report on the proposed truck weight <br />limitation ordinance, scheduled for public hearing on August 12, 1980, and to enter <br />into further negotiations with the gravel companies regarding the proposed truck ban <br />in an attempt to reach an agreement, with a member of the Board of Supervisors <br />acting as mediator, but not to delay consideration of the ordinance more than sixty <br />days. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />~Y'~S: C~uncilmembers Butler, Kephart, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> Councilmember Butler reported on the LAVWMA meeting of July 17, 1980, stating <br />that it is being proposed ~o form a separate Joint Powers Agreement relative to the <br />water reclamation study since DSRSD does not want to participate in this review. <br /> <br /> 3. 7/22/80 <br /> <br /> <br />