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~.~ETING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC <br />Mr. Warren Thompson, 1085 Hillcrest Court, Livermore, representing Pacific <br />American Institute, presented a foreign study program, stating that ho~ families <br />.were needed for three foreign students who will arrive in August and stay through <br />June, 1981. Anyone interested in participating in this program should contact <br />Mr. Thompson. <br /> <br /> Mr. Frank C. Brandes, Jr., 6889 Corte Sonada, asked if the recently adopted <br />ordinance relative to radioactive materials was retroactive to include Southv~est <br />Nuclear Company. The City Attorney advised that the ordinance was not retroactive <br />and there was no further action required relative to Southwest Nuclear Company. <br /> <br /> Mr. Brandes asked about the status of the motorcycle grant applied for last year <br />by the City for use on Foothill Road. Mayor Mercer advised that the grant had been <br />denied but that the City has subsequently reapplied and that Senator Holmdahl is <br />assisting in attempting to get the grant approved Mr Brandes asked if there was <br />a police department report relative to citations issued on Foothill Road. Mayor <br />Mercer advised the report was not completed regarding enforcement statistics. <br /> <br /> After discussion, Council determined to hear item 10a next on the.agenda. <br /> <br />SPECIAL REPORTS <br />Report to the,City Council from the Land Use and Circulation Element Review Committee <br /> Mrs. Joyce Getty, 925 Kottinger Avenue, Chairperson of the Land Use/Circulation <br />Element Review Committee, presented the written report of the Committee dated July <br />17, 1980. She stated she felt that action should not be delayed on the recommended <br />changes suggested by the Committee. Mrs. Getty stated that as a member of the Cir- <br />culation Sub-committee she felt it extremely important that the City do everything <br />possible to make it easy for people to walk, bicycle, or other means'than vehicle, <br />to get around town. She urged Council to be as strict as possible with future <br />developers regarding major arteries. <br /> <br /> Ms. Pat Griffin, 1055 Kottinger Drive, representing the Hansen family at 201 <br />Spring Street, stated this property was zoned Commercial. She stated the Hansents <br />needed to sell the property but the General Plan showed that Railroad Avenue was <br />proposed to eventually go through this parcel, thus making it difficult to sell. <br />The City Attorney advised that the City would be in a better position to respond to <br />the question of possible extension of Railroad Avenue after final decision on the <br />recommended changes to the General Plan; at this point there being only a Committee <br />recommendation and no formal action. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bart Schnoene, Attorney representing Reynold C. Johnson Company, owner of <br />the property east of E1 Charro Road, stated this parcel is proposed to be developed <br />as an industrial park. He requested that an additional amendment to the General <br />Plan be considered to rezone this land from Agriculture to Industrial. <br /> <br /> Council discussion ensued regarding whether or not to allow additional General <br />Plan amendments to be considered at the same time as the 42 changes recommended by <br />the Land Use/Circulation Element Review Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Frank C. Brandes, Jr., 6889 Corte Sonada, stated he felt it would be im- <br />possible to review the 42 recommended changes to the General Plan at one meeting <br />and also to receive public input. He stated the Planning Commission should be <br />given ample time to discuss the amendments and also that the public would have to <br />be notified. <br /> <br /> Mr. Paul Johnson asked if additional amendments could be added to the list of <br />changes to the General Plan. <br /> <br /> 4. 7/22/80 <br /> <br /> <br />