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Mr. John Beckley, representing PG&E, explained the LS-1 rate schedule. He <br />stated that the Public Utilities Commission never allows PG&E to have idle <br />facilities. He added that PG&E charges a fixed fee for poles not lit. <br /> <br /> Mr. Walker advised he would have additional information relative to street <br />lighting in a couple of months. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Mohr, and seconded by Council- <br />member Wood, that Resolution No. 80-167, authorizing PG&E to install all nine of the <br />street light standards paid for by Morrison Homes in Creeks Bend, with the under- <br />standing that the City would not pay the monthly charge to energize the lights, and <br />amending the Budget by $2,000 for the City's cost of installation of the poles, be <br />adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYES: Councilmembers Butler, Mohr, Wood, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: Councilmember Kephart <br /> <br />Matters for the Information of the Council <br /> Mr. Walker presented the Information Report of the Director of Recreation and <br />Human Resources dated June 6, 1980, regarding the 1979-80 Tennis Faire Program. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF THE CITY ATTORNEY <br />Report Re: Methods of Enforcing Sign.Ordinance. <br /> (Continued from 5-27-80) <br /> Mr. Levine presented his report dated June 18, 1980, regarding this matter. He <br />requested Council direction relative to their interest in particular subjects of <br />the ordinance. <br /> <br /> After considerable discussion, Council requested the City Attorney to prepare <br />a report with additional information regarding the following: <br /> <br />1. Interior signs in commercial store windows. <br />2. Size and site limit. <br />3. Time limit. <br />4. Removal of political signs by 9:00 a.m., on Monday following an election. <br />5. Who owns campaign signs. <br />6. Impounding signs until after election. <br />7. Charge for removal of signs by City crews. <br /> <br /> The City Attorney advised he would attempt to have this report completed by <br />September. <br /> <br />A$ins v. City of Tiburon <br /> Mr. Levine presented his report dated June 18, 1980, regarding this matter <br />for the information of the Council. No action was required or taken by Council <br />on this item. <br /> <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br /> Mayor Mercer presented a letter from the Chamber of Commerce dated June 18, <br />1980, opposing the Condominium Conversion Ordinance. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer presented a letter from R.O.A.R. (Residents Organized for Alter- <br />nate Routing), dated June 23, 1980, opposing the proposed water slide at Shadow <br />Cliffs Park because of traffic conditions. <br /> <br /> 6. 6/24/80 <br /> <br /> <br />