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Ms. Yvette Lehman, representing Valley Child Care Center, explained this program <br /> as being one to train foster families how to accept displaced children into their <br /> homes. She requested this be given a higher priority. <br /> <br /> Councilmember Kephart stated he felt this should be a County responsibility, <br /> not the City of Pleasanton. <br /> <br /> Ms. Betty Stallings, Director of the Valley Volunteer Bureau, stated that the <br /> Valley Volunteer Bureau Agency Support Project had Just received a National Grant. <br /> She explained that this program is a skills bank of professional volunteer persons <br /> who provide various types of services in the Valley such as assistance to the deaf, <br /> aid to public schools and non-profit agencies. She stated that a staff person is <br />C- needed to direct and coordinate this program and to distribute information to service <br />~ clubs, etc., for skilled volunteers to participate in this service. Ms. Stalllugs <br />~. requested this program be placed higher on the ranking list. <br /> <br />· , Councilmember Mohr stated she would abstain from voting on this item since she <br />~ is a voluntary staff member of the Valley Volunteer Bureau. <br /> <br /> After discussion, it was moved by Councilmember Kephart that the CETA Title VI <br /> proposals be ranked as follows: Projects 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 6, and 7 - in this order <br /> instead of as listed in Staff Report 80:129. <br /> <br /> The motion died for lack of a second. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Wood, and seconded by Councilmember Butler, that <br /> Resolution No. 80-143, approving CETA Title VI proposals for Fiscal Year 1981 ranked <br /> as follows: <br /> Funding j:' <br /> Ranking Applicant/Project. Requested Positions <br /> <br /> 1 Housing Authority of Pleasanton <br /> Kottin~er Landscaping and Modernization $21,441 2 <br /> <br /> 2 Tri Valley Haven for Women <br /> Organizational Expansion $21,473 2 <br /> <br /> 3 Valley Volunteer Bureau <br /> Agency Support Project Coordinator . $10,240 1 <br /> <br /> 4 Resources for Family Development, Inc. <br /> Federal Corrections Project $11,762 1 <br /> <br /> 5 Valley Volunteer Bureau <br /> Resources Development in Volunteer <br /> Management $10,240 1 <br /> <br /> 6 Resources for Family Development <br /> Child Care Inventory Project $18,384 2 <br /> <br /> 7 Ark Children's Services <br /> Arts and Cultural Activities Program $17~33.8 3_/_ <br /> <br /> TOTAL $110,878 12 <br /> be adopted. <br /> <br /> 9. 5/27/80 <br /> <br /> <br />