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Councilmember Wood stated he had voted against the annexation and was still <br />opposed to it as he felt there was an.obligation to those within the City to <br />provide services before annexing more land. <br /> <br /> Mr. Bud Barlow, 6723 Alisal Street, representing Alisal Homeowners Association, <br />stated that LAFCO had not advised this group of the hearing on this matter, there- <br />fore no one had appeared to oppose the annexation. He stated the residents were <br />concerned about the size of lots being 1/2 acre and felt they should be 1 acre lots, <br />and they felt the road. should be included in the annexation. He stated they felt <br />there should be another access road provided to Sunol/Pleasanton Boulevard from the <br />proposed annexation and requested this be made a condition of the annexation. <br /> <br /> Dr. Dennis Clarkides, 737 Happy Valley Road, stated' he objected to the annexa- <br />tion because it will increase traffic on Happy Valley Road which is narrow and has <br />a dangerous railroad tunnel. He also stated he felt an Environmental Impact Report <br />should be required as there had been serious flooding in this area recently, and <br />that the annexation will have an adverse impact on the environment. <br /> <br /> .Mr. Ted Fairfield, Civil Engineer representing Mr. Pestana, stated the developer <br />is aware that annexation of this property brings no assurances of municipal services <br />from the City. He stated he felt it would be inappropriate to change the zoning at <br />this time. Mr. Fairfield advised that LAFCO did not annex Happy Valley Road because <br />it is an area-wide responsibility and should not be the direct responsibility of the <br />City. He stated that an Environmental Assessment had been prepared and that the <br />flooding problem will be taken care of. Mr. Fairfield advised that access to the <br />property will continue to be reviewed. He stated he thought this annexation process <br />was formally in the final stages and should not be a matter for discussion at this <br />time. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer explained this itemwas being discussed now as a courtesy to <br />Councilmember Mohr since she was not a member of Council at the time the matter <br />was initiated. <br /> <br /> The City Attorney advised that under existing annexation laws this is a per- <br />functory action. He stated that if the City does not take the necessary action then <br />LAFCO may require the County Board of Supervisors to cause annexation to be completed. <br /> <br /> It was moved by Councilmember Kephart, and seconded by Councilmember Butler,- <br />that Resolution No. 80-142, orderiag the annexation of Annexation No. 7F - Pestana, <br />be adopted. <br />The roll call vote was as follows: <br />AYE'S': ..... c0uncilmembers Butler, Kephart, Mohr, and Mayor Mercer <br />NOES: Councilmember Wood <br />ABSENT: None <br /> <br /> ~yor Mercer recessed the meeting at 10:10 P.M. <br /> <br /> Mayor Mercer reconvened the meeting at 10:15 P.M. <br /> <br />REPORTS OF BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />Recommendations and Ranking by Human Services CommiSsion of CETA Title VI Proposals <br />for Fiscal Year 1981 <br /> Mrs. Bengtson presented her report dated May 14, 1980, regarding this matter. She <br />stated it was very uncertain at this time as to the amount of funding that will be <br />received for CETA Title VI programs. <br /> <br /> s. ~/2z/so <br /> <br /> <br />